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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Province Actively Promoting Korean Pork Consumption
작성자 관리자 작성일 2019-11-29
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Province Actively Promoting Korean Pork Consumption (1118-1) In order to help pork farmers who are facing difficulties after the recent African swine fever outbreak, Gyeonggi Province launched a pork processing factory tour program for consumers as part of its efforts to promote pork consumption. ► Meat Processing Factory, Anseong City (November 16) Today, this meat processing factory in Gyeonggi Province has received more than 60 visitors. Including school dieticians, parents and consumer group members, these visitors are concerned about the safety of meat products, especially pork. During the tour, the visitors hear assurances that pork is safe to consume, countering public misconceptions that stem from a fear of African swine fever. Visitors also toured the factory to see firsthand how safely Gyeonggi Governor-approved G-mark meat products are processed. ► Education, Factory Tour, Sample Tasting During their day-long tour, the visitors received education in meat safety, toured the factory, and enjoyed a lunch prepared with G-mark Korean pork. ► Kang Hyeon-ok, Visitor from Seongnam City “I frequently heard news that pork consumption has declined due to African swine fever-related fear. I am now convinced that humans are not affected by the disease and that pork is absolutely safe to eat, which I will.” ► Meat Processing Factory Tour by Consumers for Pork Consumption Promotion This meat factory tour program is geared to reverse declining pork consumption that is affecting pork farmers. ► Jeong Seon-hyang, Gyeonggi Province Livestock Product Distribution Team Official “Through this program, we enable consumers to view the high-standard meat processing facilities and quality meat products of Gyeonggi Province.” Gyeonggi Province has been promoting pork consumption through increased pork usage in school meals and public organization cafeteria menus as well as through promotional campaigns at a number of locations. The province plans to expand its campaign channels to media, public transportation and social networking services.   2. Gyeonggi and North Chungcheong to Jointly Pursue Regional Rail Project (191119-1) On November 19, six autonomies through which the planned ‘Capital Region Inland Rail Line’ will run, including Gyeonggi Province and North Chungcheong (충청) Province, signed an agreement to cooperate in the realization of this railroad construction project. Spanning 78.8 kilometers between Hwaseong (화성) City of Gyeonggi Province and Cheongju (청주) International Airport in North Chungcheong (충청) Province, this rail line will reduce the travel time between the two locations to only 34 minutes. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (November 19) Signing of Cooperation Agreement for ‘Capital Region Inland Rail Line’ Construction The six autonomies agreed to cooperate in having this rail line project, which connects the capital region with central regions of Korea, included in the central government’s 4th national railroad network construction plan. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Together with related area-wide and local autonomies, we will work with the central government to realize this project which will play a significant role in creating a Korea where balanced development is realized and everyone lives prosperous lives together.” ► North Chungcheong Province Governor Lee Si-jong “We will do our utmost to enable this project to be included in the national plan and implemented.” ► To Contribute to Balanced National Development and Local Economy Participating local government leaders agreed that this project will contribute to balanced national and local economic development, especially for the Anseong (안성) City and Cheongju (청주) International Airport areas where no railroad services are currently available. ► Acting Anseong City Mayor Choi Mun-hwan “In Gyeonggi Province, Anseong is the only city that lacks railroad service. The Capital Region Inland Rail Line will be a dream come true for Anseong City residents.” ► Cheongju City Mayor Han Beom-deok “Cheongju City will do its utmost to enable the swift realization of this project.” The six autonomies will operate an utive committee to discuss related matters. The proposal for this rail line project is already in the hands of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport through a submission made by Gyeonggi Province last month.   3. ‘Thermometer Tower of Love’ Unveiled (191120-2) On November 20, the Thermometer Tower of Love was unveiled in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex in Suwon City. Operating until the end of January next year, this tower will indicate the running amount of donations to a community chest with each “degree” on the tower representing an increase of KRW 320 million, one percent of the “100-degree” goal of KRW 32.2 billion.   4. Korea’s First Tax Jurisdiction Conciliation among Local Governments Realized in Gyeonggi (1120-1) There is an apartment complex in Gyeonggi Province that lies in two neighboring tax jurisdictions, resulting in inconvenient tax payments for residents stemming from the overlying jurisdictions of the two tax authorities. A GTV reporter examined the details. ► GTV Reporter Choi Chang-sun “The urban stream behind me divides the cities of Anyang and Uiwang. The problem is that the apartment complex is partly in Anyang City and partly in Uiwang City.” ► Poil Central Prugio Apartment Complex Ninety-six percent of this apartment complex lies within Uiwang (의왕) City while 3.2 percent is in Anyang (안양) City. ► Local Taxation Jurisdiction Based on Administrative Division According to related laws, residents of the more than 1,700 apartments in this complex have been paying local taxes to both cities in shared amounts. ► Uiwang City Hall (November 19) Signing of Taxation Jurisdiction Rearrangement Agreement Since this past July, Gyeonggi Province and the two cities have been discussing this issue from legal and administrative perspectives so as to address the inconvenience for residents, and were able to reach a consensus. According to the agreement, Uiwang (의왕) City alone will levy local taxes on the residents of this apartment complex; it will then return 3 percent of the related tax revenue to Anyang (안양) City. ► All 1,700+ Households to Pay Local Taxes to Uiwang City Only All residents of this apartment complex now only need to pay local taxes to Uiwang (의완) City. ► Kim Ji-yeong, Director, Gyeonggi Province Administration Division “The conciliation was possible through considerate concessions made by tax officials of both cities as well as through the active mediation efforts of Gyeonggi Province.” This tax jurisdiction conciliation case is the first if its kind in Korea and will become a precedent for similar cases that may occur in the future.   5. Gyeonggi Agricultural Food Expo ‘G-Food Show’ Opens at COEX (1121-2) On November 20, Gyeonggi Province’s agricultural food expo opened at the COEX center in Seoul. During this event, visitors can view and sample quality agricultural products of the province. ► KOEX, Seoul (November 20-23) Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Food Expo ‘G-Food Show’ Organized under the theme of ‘Slower and Healthier’, this agricultural food expo, titled ‘G-Food Show’, features regional specialties, Gyeonggi Governor-approved food items, and the products of farm-enterprise cooperation. There is also a section designated for the display and sale of items produced by youth farmers. ► Choi Jae-won, Youth Farmer “I am participating in this show to communicate and share my thoughts with people while they sample my products.” There are also booths for communicating Gyeonggi’s policies and future values in agriculture. A tunnel of air-purifying plants and vegetables grown with fish waste as fertilizer while purifying water drew considerable interest from visitors. ► Park Su-min, Visitor from Seoul “I was curious when they said ‘vegetables grown by fish’ and was fascinated to see lettuce being grown above a fish tank. My first impression was that it is environment-friendly.” ► G-Food Show Launched in 2007 Launched in 2007, the G-Food Show marks its 8th occasion this year. ► Promotion of Gyeonggi Agricultural Foods The objective of this show is to promote Gyeonggi’s agricultural products by publicizing their safety and reliability. ► Kang Wi-won, Gyeonggi agroFood Institute President “We hope that this event will contribute to the revival of agriculture, farm villages and farmers. We hope to be able to play an important part in realizing Gyeonggi’s characteristic agricultural policies that benefit both producers and consumers.” During the show, a variety of accompanying programs for food producers, consumers and buyers took place including trade consultations, a table-setting contest and a home-brewed liquor contest.   6. Gyeonggi Public Organizations Open Facilities to Public (191121-1) Over the past three months since Gyeonggi opened its provincial organization facilities to the public, more than 350,000 residents have visited the facilities, indicating the public’s positive reception of this initiative. ► Gyeonggi Business & Science Accelerator A section of the lobby of this Gyeonggi provincial organization in Suwon (수원) City is occupied by members of the public using the facilities comfortably. ► Lim Min-seo, Suwon City Resident “The desks and chairs with matching heights, instead of benches, are more convenient to use.” ► Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation Another public organization refurbished its idle spaces for use by the public for activities such as reading books and listening to music. ► Yu Rae-gyeom, Suwon City Resident “Public organization facilities are not usually available for use by the members of the public. However, I come here often since this place is easily accessible.” ► 354,000 Persons Used Gyeonggi Public Organization Facilities over 3 Months In the slightly more than 100 days since Gyeonggi provincial organizations opened their facilities that were constructed with tax revenue, so as to return the favor to the public, more than 345,000 persons have used the facilities, equating to approximately 3,200 persons daily. ► Public Organization Facilities Website: share.gg.go.kr Members of the public can also hire sports facilities, auditoriums and conference rooms for fixed fees on a reservation basis. ► An Dong-gwang, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Policy Planning & Budget Bureau “Next year, we will establish a one-stop reservation and payment system associated with a website that provides information on available facilities and their opening times.” To date, public organization facilities at more than 300 locations have been opened to the public. Gyeonggi Province has also revealed plans to make public land available for use as vegetable gardens.   7. Medical Trade Seminar Held in Gyeonggi (191122-1) On November 21, a medical trade seminar was held in Suwon City. Organized on an invitational basis, this event saw participation by overseas buyers including those from Vietnam and Uzbekistan as well as domestic medical industry representatives. ► ibis Ambassador Suwon (November 21) 2019 Medical Gyeonggi Trade Consultation Event This medical trade seminar saw participation by overseas buyers and domestic medical enterprises. Each participant, including medical equipment and pharmaceutical industry representatives, was allotted 30 minutes for a presentation and discussion. Overseas buyers primarily included those from Vietnam and Uzbekistan, fast-growing medical markets. ► Dijumanov Ascar, Buyer from Uzbekistan Medical Equipment Distributor “In Uzbekistan, Korean products are regarded highly for their quality and functionality. I am hoping to introduce Korean technologies to Uzbekistan and contribute to the advancement of medical services in Uzbekistan.” This event, in which 28 Gyeonggi enterprises participated, was organized by the province to promote the domestic medical industry and international cooperation in related fields. ► Heo So-hyeon, Representative of Medical Equipment Enterprise in Bucheon City “Usually, trade seminars cover multiple fields. However, it is nice that this seminar is exclusively about medical equipment since I was able to meet with many buyers at a single event…” In addition to trade consultations, this seminar also saw a presentation of trade policies by the Pharmaceutical Development Office of Uzbekistan. ► Ryu Yeong-cheol, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Health Bureau “Gyeonggi Province is home to 40% of Korea’s pharmaceutical and medical equipment enterprises. I hope that this event will lead to active exchanges in medical equipment fields…” Gyeonggi Province began international medical industry exchanges in 2010 and has since established friendly relations with 20 overseas regions. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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