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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi to Assist Bucheon City in Culture City Designation Pursuit
작성자 관리자 작성일 2019-11-08
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi to Assist Bucheon City in Culture City Designation Pursuit (191029-2) Gyeonggi Province and Bucheon (부천) City agreed to jointly pursue the goal of making the city the first in the province to receive Culture City designation. Introduced this year by the central government, the Culture City designation system aims to promote cultural programs that utilize regionally characteristic cultural assets. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (October 28) Signing of Cooperation Agreement for Culture City Designation of Bucheon City The selection results for the first Culture City designations will be announced this coming December. Designated cities will receive national support for the development of cultural programs with regional characteristics as local cultural brands. Gyeonggi Province will provide political and administrative support for Bucheon (부천) City’s pursuit of Culture City designation. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I believe that Bucheon will do well in becoming a forerunner as an exemplary culture city, the culture of a lifestyle and industry center. Gyeonggi Province will provide the city with active support to this end.” ► Bucheon City Mayor Jang Deok-cheon “When designated (as a Culture City), we will endeavor to become an exemplary model that can provide know-how to others.” Bucheon (부천) City revealed its vision for becoming ‘A City of Life and Culture Created by Citizens’ through the expansion of participation-based cultural programs and communication channels. Each designated Culture City will receive national support of up to KRW 10 billion over a span of 5 years as well as consultation services. ► First Selection Results to Be Announced in December The Korean central government plans to designate approximately 30 Culture Cities by the year 2022. The announcement of the first selection results is slated for December.   2. ‘Gyeonggi Local Currency’ Achieves 150% of Targeted Usage for 2019 (191030-1) Since its introduction by Gyeonggi Province in April with the aim of promoting backstreet commerce, the Gyeonggi Local Currency, an alternative form of payment valid within designated regions, has seen usage totaling 150 percent of this year’s targeted amount within a 6-month period, indicating a massive success. Its most popular usage was at restaurants and supermarkets. ► Gyeonggi Local Currency Valid within Gyeonggi with Average Incentive of 6% The Gyeonggi Local Currency is issued locally and can be used only at affiliated businesses within specified localities. The local currency comes in three different forms – cards, vouchers and a mobile app – and is purchased at a discount, typically 6 percent. ► Lee Chun-hwa, Gyeonggi Local Currency User (Ansan City Resident) “I like it very much since I immediately get a discount at the time of its purchase even if there are no discounts offered at shops.” ► Usage of Gyeonggi Local Currency from April Marks 150% of Amount Targeted for Year Since being introduced six months ago, Gyeonggi Local Currency totaling KRW 206.6 billion has been sold through direct individual purchases. This is 150 percent of the amount targeted for this year and equivalent to KRW 23 billion per month on average. Of this amount, 76.6 percent has been spent by users with the largest portion having been paid with local currency cards at Korean restaurants followed by supermarkets and western food restaurants. Local currency was primarily used at small businesses, including butchers and hair salons, proving its effectiveness in promoting backstreet commerce as intended. ► An Tae-wung, Affiliated Restaurant Proprietor, Ansan City “I think that the frequency of customer visits to our restaurant will increase compared to visits to large franchises…” Such positive results were attributed to supplementary traditional holiday incentives and other on-site promotional events. The convenience of card and mobile payment systems is also considered to have played a part. ► Lee Seon-beom, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Local Currency Team “Since we are familiar with payment cards, the card system was easily accepted by residents. I believe that was the most important factor in the larger-then-expected issuance of Gyeonggi Local Currency.” ► Half of Targeted Amount Used during September Alone During September, which included the Korean Thanksgiving holiday, nearly half of the targeted local currency amount was issued, of which approximately 60 percent saw usage via cards. With the virtual cycle of its benefits quickly becoming a fixture in backstreet commerce, the local economic boosting effects of the Gyeonggi Local Currency are expected to be seen soon.   3. Gyeonggi Pursues Gyeonggi Province History Publication (191030-3) After 10 years of suspension, Gyeonggi Province announced the resumption of its Gyeonggi Province History publication plan. After the announcement, which was made at a policy briefing held on October 30, the province explained the details of the plan. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (October 30) ‘Gyeonggi Province History’ Publication Policy Brief The detailed plan includes the establishment of a related task force this month as well as the enactment of related ordinances and enforcement regulations early next year. ► Jang Yeong-geun, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau “There is a growing need for discovering and sharing with residents the cultural values that exist in the history, phases and changing environments of Gyeonggi Province. We believe that we must foster a community spirit that encompasses not only long-time residents but also newcomers.” With publication of the first edition, tentatively titled ‘New Gyeonggi Province History’, targeted for 2021, Gyeonggi Province set three publication mottos: Youthfulness, Togetherness, and Usefulness. Instead of simply collecting and editing information, the province plans to employ editors of diverse ages to organize the publication from new perspectives that reflect the views of younger generations. The province also intends to create a publication that is factual and can be used in everyday life.   4. ‘2019 Gyeonggi Fair Trade Fortnight’ Launches in Hanam City (1028-2) On October 25, the 2019 Gyeonggi Fair Trade Fortnight, a 2-week trade show organized to introduce fair trade goods and promote fair trade, opened at the Hanam (하남) Arts Center. ► Hanam Arts Center (October 25) 2019 Gyeonggi Fair Trade Fortnight This sugar is a handmade product of Negros Island in the Philippines. Although more than twice as expensive as other market products, 60 to 70 percent of its profits are returned to its producers. It is a fair-trade product that helps a small business in a developing country realize independence and a sustainable income. ► Ko Hyeon-mi, Paldang Duré Fresh Food Cooperative Business Team Leader “… so as to pay proper wages, enable fair production at reasonable prices and quantities…” The 2019 Gyeonggi Fair Trade Fortnight is a trade show that will tour the province until November 8. ► 200+ Local Events to Be Held in 15 Gyeonggi Cities through to November 8 Comprised of diverse programs, this fair trade show will take place at various locations including cafés, cooperatives, schools, and libraries in 15 cities of the province, including the cities of Hwaseong (화성), Bucheon (부천) and Siheung (시흥). ► Lee Myeong-suk, Hanam City Resident “I hope that fair trade becomes a common concern among people since fair trade facilitates mutual benefits that are very important. I also hope there will be channels that provide easy access to fair trade goods for consumers and to consumers for producers.” ► Gyeonggi Province Becomes World’s Largest Fair Trade Community On the opening day, Gyeonggi Province received International Fair Trade Village Certification and became the largest fair trade community in the world. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Hwa-yeong “The province will endeavor to enable residents to experience a fair world created by fair trade.” Since Gyeonggi Province enacted an ordinance to support fair trade in 2017, it has promoted fair trade through various endeavors including marketing and education support.   5. Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Promotion Institute Opens (1029-1) For the first time among the second-tier governments of Korea, an organization for small business and traditional market support was established in Gyeonggi Province. This organization, the Market Commerce Promotion Institute, will undertake one-stop support throughout business lifecycles. ► Suwon Convention Center (October 28) Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Promotion Institute Opening Ceremony On October 28, the Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Promotion Institute opened in the Suwon Convention Center. This nonprofit organization will undertake backstreet commerce promotion. The former head of the Gyeonggi Province Policy Development Support Group was appointed as the president of the institute. ► Lim Jin, President, Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Promotion Institute “The Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Promotion Institute will serve as doctor for the self-employed, the axis of local commerce, and will endeavor to contribute to the local economy.” ► 54 Personnel Work in 7 Teams at 2 Locations With 54 personnel working in 7 teams at 2 locations, this institute will undertake surveys and research pertaining to local currency issuance and usage promotion, small business management stability and growth, and traditional market promotion. ► One-stop Business Lifecycle Support through 3 Regional Management Support Centers This institute will also operate three regional management support centers to provide traditional market merchants and small businesses with one-stop solutions to operational problems throughout their lifecycles from startup to re-startup. During the opening ceremony, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) asserted that the province will set the standards in these endeavors. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “The reason why we have launched the Market Commerce Promotion Institute is, as many of you will approve, to strengthen our economy and create a society in which everyone prospers. Gyeonggi Province will set the standards in this.” Stating that the future of our economy depends on backstreet commerce, Governor Lee also declared that the province will create a society in which everyone shares their futures and hopes.   6. New President of Gyeonggi Arts Center Appointed (1030-3) Lee Ae-ju (이애주), an intangible cultural asset recognized for her Buddhist dance expertise, was appointed as the new president of the Gyeonggi Arts Center. In her inauguration speech, Lee stated that she will devote herself to the advancement of the center. Lee began dancing when she was five years old. She was recognized as a master of Buddhist dance when she performed in front of the funeral procession of a deceased patriot in 1987. ► Gyeonggi Arts Center (October 28) Press Meeting at Gyeonggi Arts Center on Inauguration of New President Lee Ae-ju Designated as Important Intangible Cultural Asset No. 27 for her Buddhist dance mastery, Lee was appointed as the new president of the Gyeonggi Arts Center last month. ► Lee Ae-ju Aspires to Create Korean Representative Cultural Work Lee revealed that she aspires to create artwork that represents Korea. ► Lee Ae-ju, President, Gyeonggi Arts Center “Together, we must find the identity of Gyeonggi Province culture. We must cultivate new advanced culture and art that reflects the characteristics and core of that identity.” Expressing her aspiration to create symbolic art that combines multiple genres, she added that such work can be created through collaboration among provincial art company members. Revealing her intention to utilize her experience as an artist, she also expressed her feeling of responsibility as the president of the Gyeonggi Arts Center. ► Lee Ae-ju, President, Gyeonggi Arts Center “I keep thinking about how I can perform my duty properly. The key point, I believe, is how Gyeonggi Province must take steps toward an eternal future.” The two-year term of the presidency of the Gyeonggi Arts Center is extendable to additional terms. Lee’s current term ends in September of 2021.   7. Forum on Basic Income Public Discussion Survey Results Held in Gyeonggi (191031-2) On October 31, Gyeonggi Province held a resident forum on the results of its basic income public discussion survey. Conducted in the form of deliberative democracy, this survey took six months, collecting resident opinions on basic income. The results of the survey were the subject of discussion during the forum. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (October 31) 2019 Basic Income Public Discussion Survey Results Forum The forum was attended by more than 100 residents who had participated in the public discussion survey process that began in April as well as specialists in related fields. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor Kim Hee-kyeum “I hope that, through discussion today, we can understand why basic income is needed, how it can be implemented broadly, and how we can address the issues about which people are concerned…” ► Opinions Gathered via Questionnaire after In-depth Discussion of Survey Results A public discussion survey is a type of opinion assessment conducted through a process of discussion among people from different social segments. ► Gyeonggi Began Basic Income Public Discussion Survey in April The public discussion survey was conducted in two phases: an ordinary survey of more than 2,500 residents, and 2-day discussion sessions among 125 residents of differing ages, genders and regions selected from among first-phase survey respondents. The forum saw the presentation and additional discussion of the process and results of the public discussion survey. ► Yu Yeong-tae, Forum Participant (Gyeonggi Resident) “Interesting alternatives were suggested through discussions on various issues (regarding basic income) among people from different walks of life. It was a very meaningful and interesting …” ►Seo Jeong-hui, Professor, Kunsan National University “It is important to implement programs to widely publicize (basic income). Public discussion surveys and forums like this seem very important in that sense.” ► 76% of Resident Participants Positive about Basic Income Policy Introduction The results of the public discussion survey indicated a 30-point increase, from the original 46 percent to 76 percent, in positive opinions regarding basic income as well as survey credibility. Gyeonggi Province will utilize these results in the formulation of basic income policies while continuing and expanding its public discussion surveys. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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