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Gyeonggi-8th US Army Cooperation Council Meeting
작성자 관리자 작성일 2019-12-20
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1.Gyeonggi-8th US Army Cooperation Council Meeting (191209-1) On December 9, a Korea-US cooperation council meeting was held between Gyeonggi Province and the 8th US Army. Established in 2002, this council has served as a channel for the discussion of issues related to the US military presence in the province. During the meeting, the two sides agreed to raise the assigned joint council chairperson positions to the Governor of Gyeonggi Province and the Commander of the 8th US Army and to hold meetings on a regular basis. Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) expressed his hope to see the strengthening of the Korea-US alliance through mutual assurance. 2.Korea’s Largest Electric Bus Charging Station Opens in Suwon City (191211-1) Recently, the largest electric bus charging station in Korea, featuring a simultaneous charging capacity for 96 buses, opened in Suwon (수원) City of Gyeonggi Province. The province plans to eventually replace all diesel buses with eco-friendly electric buses. ► Electric Buses Begin Operation in Suwon in October. Last month, blue electric buses began operating in Suwon City. Not requiring any fossil fuel, these buses do not generate carbon dioxide and produce minimal noise and vibration, similar to electric passenger cars. ► Microdust Generation of One Bus Equates to Emissions of 131 Passenger Cars The replacement of each fossil fuel bus with an electric bus reduces microdust emissions equivalent to that of 131 passenger cars. ► Ji Chang-min, Suwon City Resident “We are experiencing serious pollution problems including microdust. I think electric buses will reduce such problems significantly.” Electric bus use is currently being promoted via national and provincial support totaling KRW 160 million per bus. ► North Suwon Bus Terminal (December 9) Opening of Korea’s First Electric Bus Charging Station This electric bus charging station is capable of accommodating 96 buses simultaneously. Electric buses may cost more initially but entail lower operating costs. A fully charged bus can run up to 250 kilometers. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Since microdust poses serious problems and is becoming a grave cause for public concern, Gyeonggi Province plans to increase the number of electric buses and hydrogen buses to the fullest extent possible next year.” According to Gyeonggi’s plan, all diesel buses in the province will be replaced with eco-friendly buses by the year 2027 through various endeavors including electric bus purchase cost support. 3.Illegal Construction Subcontractors Uncovered in Gyeonggi (191211-2) A number of illegal construction subcontracting cases involving fire facility installations were recently uncovered in Gyeonggi Province. Illegal subcontracting has been difficult to eradicate and remains a persistent problem in the construction industry. ► 16 Construction Subcontractors Apprehended for Illegal Practices in Gyeonggi During a 6-month investigation of 7 large construction enterprises that began this past May, 16 enterprises including subcontractors were apprehended for illegal practices including the use of unregistered subcontractors and neglect of fire facility installations. [Sync] (Why are there no fire hoses?) / “That’s because of the risk of losing them since various possible circumstances existed …” There was even a case in which a project was done at one third of the original price through three successive subcontractors. ► Illegal Fire Facility Installations Pose Safety Problems In addition to misconduct among construction enterprises, substandard fire facility installations also pose dire safety problems for facility users. ► Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police Superintendent Lee Byeong-wu “Since fire facilities are required in limited locations, they don’t represent huge costs. Just an approximate total of KRW 100 million. That is why they frequently treat these requirements as easily disregarded. However, such negligence can lead to serious issues in the event of disasters…” These illegal practices are subject to imprisonment for up to 1 year or fines of up to KRW 10 million in addition to business suspension for up to 3 months. Thirteen of the apprehended enterprises were sent to prosecution while the remainder face criminal charges. 4.90% of Gyeonggi Regional Currency Users Affirm Continuous Use (191211-1) Gyeonggi Regional Currency, an alternative payment method available in designated regions, has received positive user responses with 90 percent being affirmative about its continued use. ► Use of Gyeonggi Regional Currency Exceeds Targeted Annual Issues in 6 Months Introduced this past April to revive backstreet commerce, Gyeonggi Regional Currency has grown in popularity with its issuance exceeding the annual target after a mere six months. Recently, a regional currency satisfaction survey of 1000 residents and 1000 small business operators in the province was conducted. ► 90% of Gyeonggi Regional Currency Users “Will Continue Usage” Nine out of 10 survey respondents expressed their intent to continue the use of Gyeonggi Regional Currency. [CG] Most indicated the 6 percent discount as their reason for continuous usage while 20 percent indicated their empathy with its purpose as their reason. ► Jang Neong-du, Gyeonggi Regional Currency User, Suwon City “Since I can enjoy a variety of benefits and it helps in traditional market promotion…” Among residents, 68 percent expressed positive views. ► 63% of Affiliated Small Businesses Satisfied with Regional Currency Sixty-three percent of affiliated small business operators also expressed satisfaction with their participation in the regional currency program. ► Kim Chan-mi, Affiliated Small Business Operator, Suwon Motgol Market “I could see that more customers of large supermarkets are coming to our traditional market, helping us increase sales…” Available in three different forms - cards, vouchers, and a mobile app - depending on the region, Gyeonggi Regional Currency can be used as a cash alternative at affiliated small businesses with annual sales of less than KRW 1 billion. Survey results revealed that approximately 19 percent of Gyeonggi residents, 2 million people, have experienced using regional currency. ► Jeong Jae-hwan, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Research Team “To promote the use of the Gyeonggi Regional Currency, we will use the meaningful data we gathered from the survey in the development of future regional currency program operations.” Gyeonggi Province will also increase regional currency benefits while expanding related promotional activities. 5.‘Resource Recycling Towns in Gyeonggi Province (191211-2) In Gyeonggi Province, there are ‘Resource Recycling Towns’ in which residents are active in environmental restoration through the recycling and reuse of resources. Our reporter visited some of these towns. ► Sinheung-2-Dong Administration and Welfare Center, Seongnam City In this corner of a local public office, residents of local detached homes gather to voluntarily separate and weigh recyclable items. Many of these items are almost brand new. Named ‘Recycling Station’, this place is used by residents to separate recyclable items for later sale. All proceeds are returned to residents. ► Kim Jeong-ui, Local Resident, Seongnam City “We used to throw away trash without separation, but we began to separate the items that will be returned to us in cash...” ► Wonmi-1-Dong, Bucheon City In this town in Bucheon City, traditional market shoppers use shopping baskets instead of disposable plastic bags. There are a number of other visible efforts to conserve the environment including murals that inspire resource recycling. ► Cho Sam-ik, Local Resident, Bucheon City “Resource recycling is widely promoted here. We are able to sense the cleanliness of local residents when walking on local streets.” These environment-conscious towns in Gyeonggi Province are referred to as Resource Recycling Towns. ► Gyeonggi Province Upcycle Plaza (December 10) 2019 Resource Recycling Town Creation Case Sharing Meeting Recently, the province held a public meeting to share Resource Recycling Town creation cases. ► 3 Gyeonggi Towns Receive Gyeonggi Province Governor’s Awards During the meeting, three communities in the cities of Bucheon (부천), Yangpyeong (양평) and Suwon (수원) received Gyeonggi Province Governor Awards. ► Bae Su-mun, Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Member (Democratic Party) “Public awareness about the preciousness of the environment is most important. I believe that this program promotes such awareness through experience and helps residents form communities.” ► Gyeonggi to Invest KRW 300 Million in Resource Recycling Town Program Next year, Gyeonggi Province will allocate KRW 300 million for the creation of more Resource Recycling Towns. 6.2020 Korea Basic Income Fair Slated for February (191212-1) Next February, Gyeonggi Province will host the 2020 Korea Basic Income Fair in Suwon (수원) City under the theme of “Humans Humanely”. Conceived as a solution to income imbalances, basic income refers to unconditional payments to all so as to ensure basic livelihoods. It is also a key project of the current provincial administration. ► First Korea Basic Income Fair Held in April The February event will mark the second occasion of the fair following its inaugural event this past April in which than 30,000 visitors and specialists, including overseas scholars, participated. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (December 12) Announcement of 2020 Korean Basic Income Fair Plans for the 2020 Korea Basic Income Fair were announced by Gyeonggi Province on December 12. ► Cho Gye-won, Senior Policy Secretary to Governor of Gyeonggi Province “… will examine causes of unfairness, the potential for basic income becoming a reasonable solution, and other policies that can be integrated with basic income policy to generate improved effects.” In addition to publicizing basic income and regional currency, Gyeonggi Province also aims to make this event an occasion for international discussion. ► Exhibition and International Conference of Overseas Scholars Next year’s basic income fair will consist of an international conference for overseas scholars as well as experiential exhibitions for visitors. This fair will also be attended by local and international autonomy heads and related officials. Other programs include a talk show during which youth basic income policy will be discussed. ► Cho Gye-won, Senior Policy Secretary to Governor of Gyeonggi Province “We will create a festive event in which the eyes and ears of visitors will be entertained through a variety of featured programs and cultural performances.” ► Official Website: basicincomefair.gg.go.kr The 2020 Korea Basic Income Fair is slated to run for 3 days from February 6. Detailed information is available through the official event website. 7.Gyeonggi to Expand Operating Room CCTV System Program to Newborn Units (191212-2) In the wake of recent social uproar stemming from the tragic incident of a newborn who fell into a coma after being carelessly handled at an obstetrics facility in Busan, Gyeonggi Province decided to expand its operating room CCTV installation support program to include newborn units. ► Video of Obstetrics Facility, Busan (November) In a video of this incident, a nurse holds the baby upside down and then almost throws the baby while setting it down. She even hits the baby with a towel. This baby was later diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage due to a skull fracture. Public disclosure of this video led to demand for the compulsory installation of CCTV systems in newborn units. ► Gyeonggi to Operate CCTV Systems in Newborn Units of Provincial Hospitals Gyeonggi Province announced that it will install newborn unit CCTV systems in provincial hospitals from January next year. These systems will be used not only for simple observation but also to monitor medical mishaps. Currently, CCTV systems are not used in any provincial newborn units. ► Yun Deok-hui, Director, Gyeonggi Province Health & Medical Policy Division “… will alleviate worries experienced by families of expecting mothers. We anticipate that it will also help protect newborns from accidents and infections while improving confidence in medical staff.” ► To Be Installed Initially at 2 Gyeonggi Provincial Hospitals The newborn unit CCTV systems will be initially installed for 24/7 operation at the Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center and Public Postnatal Care Center. Video records will become available for review by infant guardians in due course. Gyeonggi Province will prepare management guidelines for these systems and plans to expand the systems based on the results of the initial installations. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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