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뉴스상세조회 테이블
First Paldang Lake Watershed Cleanup of 2020
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-01-31
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. First Paldang Lake Watershed Cleanup of 2020 (0120-1) This year’s first cleanup of the Paldang (팔당) Lake watershed, a source of water for the 26 million residents of Gyeonggi and Seoul, recently took place. ► Paldang Watershed With its surface water remaining unfrozen during the warm winter, the Paldang (팔당) Lake watershed cleanup was performed two months earlier than has been the norm in past years. ► Paldang Watershed Cleanup by Gyeonggi Province Water Resource Headquarters Approximately 30 Gyeonggi Province Water Resource Headquarters officials worked to clean up the shoreline. ► Lim Yeong-jin, Gyeonggi Province Water Resource Headquarters Paldang Water Resource Management Team Official “This is the first time in my more than 30 years with the headquarters that such a cleanup has been done in the month of January. During the cleanup, we work hard since we feel proud of the results.” ► 3 km Popular Shoreline Section and Wild Bird Habitats The targeted areas included a 3-kilometer section of shoreline popular among tourists as well as wild bird habitats including Sonae (소내) Island. To remove floating trash, five boats were mobilized. In places inaccessible by boats, officials wearing long gloves and boots removed trash by hand. ► 55 Tons of Trash Removed During the cleanup, a total of 55 tons of trash were removed in only a few hours. ► Lee Yeong-jong, Director, Gyeonggi Province Water Resource Headquarters “The Paldang watershed is a resident lifeline. There is also a heavy concentration of wildlife on Sonae Island. To enable humans and animals to coexist…” The director of the Gyeonggi Province Water Resource Headquarters stated that the headquarters will continue water resource protection efforts through monitoring, management and cleanups.   2. Gyeonggi Governor Meets with Business People (0120-2) On January 20, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) had an informal meeting with business people of the province. Held under the theme of fairness and togetherness, this meeting saw presentations on economic trends and mutually beneficial cooperation cases. These were followed by a discussion of issues and proposals raised by the participating business people. During the meeting, Governor Lee emphasized the importance of virtuous economic cycles and gave assurances of his efforts to create a fair economy through mutually beneficial cooperation.   3. First ‘Gyeonggi Mobile Laborer Shelter’ Opens in Gwangju (0121-1) Gyeonggi Province’s first resting facility for mobile laborers, including driver service and courier personnel, opened in Gwangju (광주) City. In addition to resting amenities, this shelter will also offer legal consultations and health services. ► Gyeonggi Mobile Laborer Shelter, Gwangju City This shelter is located in a high-density commercial and business district often frequented by mobile laborers. This shelter is geared to provide such workers, who frequently spend long hours waiting for their next assignment, with proper resting opportunities. ► Han Gi-seok, Korea Driver Service Workers Union Gyeonggi Branch Manager “When there is no building in which I can escape from the cold while waiting, I often use convenience stores. However, since I can’t stay in such places forever, I often have to return home after …” ► Comprehensive Resting Facilities This 195-square-meter shelter includes a lounge, a sleeping room, a consultation room and a multipurpose room. ► Open Overnight from 4 PM to 6 AM Open from 4 pm until 6 am, this shelter also provides labor-related consultations and health education as well as visiting work employment services in addition to the resting amenities. ► Governor Lee: “Policy for Creating a Society in Which Labor is Respected” At the opening ceremony, Governor Lee stated that while the number of mobile laborers is increasing, they are often neglected due to a lack of supporting legal and policy arrangements. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “It is absolutely necessary to have new policy alternatives including support policies for us to achieve the truly important goal of creating a society in which labor is respected, which is also an important goal of Gyeonggi Province.” ► 13+ Mobile Laborer Shelters Targeted by 2021 Including 4 in First Half of 2020. Gyeonggi Province currently targets the opening of at least 13 mobile laborer shelters by next year including 4 in the cities of Gwangju (광주), Suwon (수원), Hanam (하남) and Seongnam (성남) during the first half of this year.  4. Gyeonggi Governor Visits Traditional Market (0122-1) Immediately before the Lunar New Year holiday, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) visited a traditional market in Hanam (하남) City. During his visit, Governor Lee surveyed consumer prices and talked with merchants. ► Shinjang Market, Hanam City (January 21) Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung’s Visit At this market, Governor Lee surveyed consumer prices before the Lunar New Year holiday. He also did some shopping himself with the Gyeonggi regional currency. His visit coincided with a regional currency promotion event. During his visit, Governor Lee discussed market promotion with merchants and listened to their opinions. ► Yang Yong-ju, Vice Chairperson, Shinjang Market Merchant Association “We have established significant infrastructure through environmental improvements including parking lots. However, there is a long overdue task that we have been unable to accomplish for decades. That is the opening of a customer service center.” Merchants were also briefed about fire safety programs for traditional markets. ► Governor Lee: “Merchants must independently improve competitiveness” Addressing merchants, Governor Lee asserted they must work independently to improve competitiveness by utilizing the advantages of traditional markets. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “You must individually improve personal competitiveness. You must cultivate knowledge and learn about things like customer relations, exhibitions, distribution and product supply.” He also added that large supermarkets are cleaner and more friendly, but they are monotonous and offer little fun while shopping in traditional markets is entertaining and they feature diverse characteristics that merchants must utilize. He asserted that traditional markets have great potential if merchants work together to improve business.  5. Large Number of Illegal Food Sellers Apprehended in Gyeonggi (0122-3) During a pre-Lunar New Year crackdown, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police apprehended a large number of Food Sanitation Act violators. Violations included the sale of foods and processed food products past expiration dates and falsifying countries of origin. Those apprehended will be sent to prosecution and subject to administrative penalties.   6. Gyeonggi Operates Special Sales Outlet for Social Enterprise Products (0122-4) On January 22, a special sales outlet showcasing social enterprises for seniors, individuals with disabilities and self-supporting workers opened in the quad of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex. This sales outlet featured Lunar New Year foods and handicrafts. This event saw participation by more than 20 related organizations. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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