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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Seeks Confirmed COVID-19 Patient Information
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-02-21
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Seeks Confirmed COVID-19 Patient Information (0210-1) While information on the movements of confirmed COVID-19 carriers is being disclosed to the Korean public, Gyeonggi Province has requested more detailed information on the movements of such individuals from the central government. ► Public Anxiety Over Lack of Detailed Patient Tracking Information When the 19th confirmed patient was revealed to have travelled from home to his workplace and to his parents’ home in Bundang-gu (분당구) of Seongnam (성남) City, the lack of information on the exact locations of his visits fueled fears of virus contamination in those areas. ► Gyeonggi Requests Detailed Patient Tracking Information The request for more detailed information was made by Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) to alleviate such public anxiety. ► Request Made During Prime Minister Jeong Se-gyun’s Visit This request was made to Prime Minister Jeong Se-gyun (정세균) on February 8 when he visited the provincial government to discuss the COVID-19 situation. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “The information disclosed by the Disease Control Headquarters only indicates ‘parents’ home’ without specifying its exact location, causing the entire Bundang (분당) district to come to a standstill. I also live in Bundang. The detailed disclosure of information is necessary to avoid such anxiety among local residents and damage to the local economy.” Governor Lee asserted that those who are closer to confirmed patients must be provided with more detailed information. ► Governor Lee Proposes COVID-19 Tests for Pneumonia Patients Governor Lee also proposed that all pneumonia in-patients be tested for COVID-19 so as to avoid overlooking any possible cases. ► Prime Minister Jeong to Discuss Governor Lee’s Proposals at Ministers’ Meeting Prime Minister Jeong (정세균) offered assurances that he will introduce Governor Lee’s proposals for discussion at a ministers’ meeting. ► Prime Minister Jeong Se-hyun “Gyeonggi Province has already contributed to the Disaster Control Fund, expanded negative pressure treatment capacities, and increased the number of related investigators. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Governor and officials of Gyeonggi Province for pursuing such proactive measures.” The Prime Minister also stated that he will promote the exemplary efforts of Gyeonggi Province among other local autonomies.   2. Gyeonggi, Osan and Hwaseong to Cooperate in Dongtan Tram Line Construction (0210-2) On February 7, Gyeonggi Province and the cities of Hwaseong (화성) and Osan (오산) signed a cooperation agreement for the construction of tram lines in Dongtan (동탄) New Town of Hwaseong (화성) City. ► Dongtan New Town, Hwaseong City Dongtan (동탄) New Town has been facing a dire situation stemming from its continuously growing population and a serious lack of public transportation services. ► Choi Myeong-gyu, Hwaseong City Resident “The population growth (of Dongtan New Town) has become a cause of missed buses since they pass through with all seats fully occupied. It takes four hours to commute daily, two hours each way. It’s very inconvenient.” ► Eco-friendly Tram System This tram system, which runs without generating carbon dioxide, will provide an eco-friendly means of alleviating the transportation difficulties faced by Dongtan (동탄) New Town residents. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (February 7) Cooperation Agreement for Dongtan Urban Railroad Project Feasibility Study and Basic Planning According to this agreement, the three authorities will establish an utive committee to work together in the preparation of basic plans. ► Banwol-Osan and Byeongjeom-Dongtan New Town Lines Totaling 32.35 km The Dongtan (동탄) tram system will consist of two lines covering a total distance of 32.35 kilometers. These two lines cross each other at Dongtan (동탄) Station. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We will do our utmost to alleviate the inconveniences you face through the swift implementation of this project.” Officially referred to as the Dongtan Urban Railroad Project, this tram system is slated for completion in 2027.  3. Gyeonggi Inspects Groundwater Contamination Near US Military Bases (0210-03) Following a recent news report on the discovery of high carcinogen levels in groundwater near a US military base, residents in nearby villages are voicing their concerns. In order to ensure the safety of those residents, Gyeonggi Province conducted groundwater inspections around US military bases. ► Water Supply in Village Near Camp Stanley Inspected In this village of approximately 180 households near Camp Stanley, and American military facility, Gyeonggi officials collect samples from the water supply system for examination at a provincial institute. ► Jeong Gap-yeol, Director, Gyeonggi Province Northern Gyeonggi Environment Management Division “If perfluoride test results exceed permissible limits, use of the water source will be prohibited immediately through arrangements with Uijeongbu City… and we will continue groundwater monitoring in areas around US military bases.” ► Groundwater Near US Military Bases in Uijeongbu City to Be Inspected Gyeonggi Province, Uijeongbu (의정부) City and an environment organization will jointly perform groundwater inspections of US military bases in the city. This inspection plan follows a report on the discovery of perfluoride levels that were 15 times greater than normal in samples collected at 5 locations near a US military base. These substances include a known carcinogen. ► Kim Seong-gil, Secretary General, Uijeongbu Yangju Dongducheon Environmental Movement Association “We are concerned about recent news regarding the discovery of very high perfluoride levels that can cause liver damage or cancer. Although that is related to military bases, we are unable to enter the bases to inspect or perform cleanup.” ► 13 Water Sources Within 100m of Camp Red Cloud and Camp Stanley to Be Inspected The inspection subjects include samples collected from 13 groundwater pumps used for the provision of living and drinking water and located within 100 meters of Camp Red Cloud and Camp Stanley. Examination results will be announced in approximately two weeks.   4. Gyeonggi Declares War on False COVID-19 News (0211-1) While Gyeonggi Province is devoting itself to preventing the spread of COVID-19, false news reports about such efforts are causing the province to unnecessarily divide its energies to counter them. [Sync] “Korea saw its first death due to Wuhan pneumonia. However, I am going to show you the very scene in which the Korean government attempted to cover up the incident.” This person is quoting a news report with a picture of a Chinese national who died while waiting to see a doctor at a public health center in Pyeongtaek (평택) City. [CG] He is spreading false news, asserting that the Korean government’s announcement that the death is not related to COVID-19 cannot be true. Last month, this Chinese national tested negative for COVID-19. He has not visited China nor had contact with other Chinese nationals within the past six months. ► Pyeongtaek City Requests Police Investigation of False News Gyeonggi Province informed Pyeongtaek (평택) City about this false news report. The city immediately declared the YouTube content in question to be false and requested that police undertake a cybercrime investigation of the person who posted the video on YouTube. This individual even used a fake Gyeonggi Province document about the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. ► Kim Jeong-min, Director, Gyeonggi Province 4 “False news only aggravates public anxiety. It undermines public trust in government policies and interferes with efforts to overcome critical circumstances when everyone must work together….” ► 24-Hour Monitoring of False News Through the 24-hour monitoring of YouTube, social networking services and other online channels, Gyeonggi Province will respond strongly to false news and ensure that police investigations are undertaken in such cases.   5. 341st Extraordinary Session of Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Begins (0212-1) On February 11, the first Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly session of the year began with a general meeting. This session will run flexibly to ensure a concentrated focus on the COVID-19 outbreak. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly (February 11) 1st General Meeting of 341st Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Extraordinary Session This is the 341st Extraordinary Session of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Chairperson Song Han-jun “The whole nation faces an emergency situation due to the coronavirus. I fully agree with Governor Lee Jae-myung that excessive responses are better than belated or passive responses.” ► Inquiries on Administrative Affairs Postponed to Next Session The provincial assembly decided to postpone inquiries on administrative affairs, which were originally scheduled for February 12 and 13, to the next session so as to allow the administration to concentrate on COVID-19 countermeasures, for which Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung expressed his appreciation. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I am sincerely grateful to the assembly chairperson and members for their consideration and cooperation with regard to our efforts to respond to the coronavirus.” Governor Lee also expressed his appreciation to Icheon (이천) City residents for accommodating fellow Koreans from Wuhan City in China during their quarantine. The standing committee review of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly began February 12 and will continue until February 25. ► Yeom Jong-hyeon, Democratic Party Leader - Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly “Led by Assembly Chairperson Song Han-jun, we have launched the coronavirus emergency response headquarters and are leading in efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.” The second general meeting of the session will be held as scheduled on February 26.   6. Solidarity of Icheon Residents with Koreans from Wuhan, China (0213-1) On February 12, Koreans from Wuhan City of China were admitted to a quarantine camp in Icheon (이천) City. Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) expressed his appreciation to Icheon (이천) residents for accepting their fellow Koreans. ► Koreans from Wuhan City Arrive at Quarantine Camp in Icheon City (February 12) The third group of Koreans who were transported from Wuhan City on a chartered flight began their stay at temporary accommodations in Icheon (이천) City. ► Governor Lee Converse with Icheon Residents During his visit to the situation room established at the entrance to the National Defense Language Institute, the site of the camp, Governor Lee met with local residents and expressed his appreciation for their acceptance of the arrivals. He also offered assurances of provincial support for local economy promotion. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I hope that your decision, sacrifices and devotion remain in records and are not forgotten. This is an exemplary case for others and for future generations.” Local residents at the meeting responded by expressing their devotion to civic duty and solidarity with fellow Koreans. ► Kim Jae-heung, Icheon City Resident “It is our pleasure to open our minds and to be a part of these efforts. I hope that the province will provide us with effective quarantine services, listen to our views regarding local issues and address to those issues as priorities.” ► Governor Lee Visits Icheon City Local Food Direct Sales Outlet After meeting with local residents, Governor Lee visited a local food direct sales outlet in Icheon (이천) City and helped with the promotion of local agricultural foods and specialty products. ► Gyeonggi Province Injects KRW 600 Million from Disaster Management Fund into Icheon City Gyeonggi Province provided Icheon (이천) City with KRW 600 million from its disaster management fund for the emergency supply of hygiene products including masks and protective clothes. The province also plans to perform the sterilization of commercial areas in the vicinity twice daily while improving the related environments.   7. Gyeonggi to Support COVID-19 Posttraumatic Treatment (0213-2) While COVID-19 is making headlines worldwide, Gyeonggi Province plans to launch psychological treatment support for those who suffer from posttraumatic stress due to the virus. ► COVID-19 Gyeonggi Province Disaster Psychological Support Team Launched To implement this support, Gyeonggi Province launched a provincial COVID-19 Disaster Psychological Support Team. ► Psychological Consultations by Mental Health Specialists Consisting of 700 mental health specialists from local mental health and welfare centers, this team will provide Gyeonggi residents with related psychological consultation services. ► Ko Hye-seon, Gyeonggi Provincial Mental Health and Welfare Center Special Project Team Leader “Those who need to take diagnostic tests must do so at local public health centers. However, some don’t and suffer from anxiety. They don’t have to suffer and instead need to take action. If you need help, we can help you. Just call us.” These psychological consultation services are available to any resident who suffers from mental conditions related to COVID-19 such as anxiety, insomnia and depression. ► 24-Hour Disaster Psychological Support Hotline (☎1577-0199) These services can be accessed around the clock by calling 1577-0199. Any Gyeonggi resident who is not infectious may also seek person-to-person consultations. Depending on consultation results, those with high mental health risks will be subject to continuous monitoring and provided with mental treatment cost support. ► Lee Wang-su, Director, Gyeonggi Province Health Promotion Division “Some people seem to be psychologically hypersensitive to the coronavirus. Gyeonggi Province will stand by residents throughout this crisis.” To address public anxiety and fears stemming from COVID-19, Gyeonggi Province is also distributing mental healthcare guidelines to local mental health and welfare centers and selected treatment facilities. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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