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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Province Governor Reveals Animal Welfare Policies
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-02-14
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Province Governor Reveals Animal Welfare Policies (0203) On January 31, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) met with members of the public to gather opinions prior to the implementation of provincial animal protection and welfare policies, for which the province has earmarked KRW 30 billion. ► Lee Seon-yeon, Ansan City Resident Two years ago, Lee (이선연) adopted two abandoned dogs she met while working at the Gyeonggi Province Assistance Dog Sharing Center. While her initial motivation was to help these animals, they have since become valuable family members that she relies on. ► Lee Seon-yeon, Abandoned Dog Adopter, Ansan City “Just looking at those puppies makes me smile. My physical activities have increased including frequent strolls with the dogs. I have also become more active in everyday life.” ► Gyeonggi Aims to Become Place “Where Humans and Animals Are Happy Together” This Year This year, Gyeonggi Province aims to create a province in which humans and animals live happily together. ► Gyeonggi to Invest KRW 38.6 Billion in 29 Projects in 4 Categories To this end, the province will invest KRW 38.6 billion in 29 projects through 4 categories: animal welfare improvement, pet culture promotion, shared happiness of humans and animals, and project governance establishment. ► Gyeonggi Province Assistance Dog Share Center (January 31) Gyeonggi Province Public Meeting on Animal Protection and Welfare Policies This meeting featured more than 10 representatives of animal protection organizations and animal adopters. During the meeting, participants presented various suggestions such as compulsory vaccinations in animal shelters, compulsory neutering before adoption, and the improvement of adoption conditions. Participants were also interested in the temporary assistance dog protection and leashed yard dog neutering plans of the province. Governor Lee stated that the happiness of animals leads to the happiness of humans, and that policy changes are necessary to meet the needs of a life-respecting society. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “It is now widely accepted that animals are not objects but living creatures and that they have the right not to be abused. There are special duties for public organizations to perform in that regard.” Governor Lee also stated that violations such as animal abuse cannot be punished without related legal provisions and asked related organizations to help with the realization of such legislation. 2. Gyeonggi Pursues Early Completion of Shinbundang Subway Line Extension (0203) Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) and Suwon (수원) City Mayor Yeom Tae-yeong (염태영) agreed to cooperate and adopted a joint proposal to the central government for the early commencement of Shinbundang (신분당) Subway Line extension work. The extension includes 4 stations and spans 9.7 kilometers between Gwanggyo (광교) and Homaesil (호매실) stations. ► Shinbundang Subway Gwanggyo-Homaesil Extension Project Finalized After a prolonged delay, this extension project was finalized as it passed the related ministry’s preliminary feasibility study. When completed, this extension will reduce travel time between Homaesil (호매실) in Suwon (수원) and Gangnam (강남) in Seoul to 40 minutes, approximately 50 minutes less than travel by bus. ► Jeong Gyu-eung, Suwon City Resident “I hope that work will be completed soon so that traffic congestion in the area is reduced and a traffic network that connects all directions from Suwon is secured.” The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport currently plans to begin extension work in 2023. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (February 3) Adoption of Joint Proposal by Gyeonggi Province-Suwon City for Early Commencement of Shinbundang Subway Extension Work On February 3, the two authorities announced their adoption of a joint proposal for the early commencement of Shinbundang (신분당) Subway Line extension work. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “There are additional procedures that need to be addressed. Gyeonggi Province will do its utmost to enable foundation facilities to be installed as early as possible.” The two authorities also agreed to establish an utive committee for the realization of this project. ► Suwon City Mayor Yeom Tae-yeong “We are aware that work will commence in 2023. However, we have no room for any delay in timely completion …” ► Executive Committee to Cooperate in Project Implementation The utive committee will provide active cooperation in related matters including administrative support.   3. Gyeonggi Safeguards Traditional Markets from Novel Coronavirus (0204-2) With the number of confirmed novel coronavirus cases increasing, Gyeonggi Province undertook the protection of traditional markets and backstreet commercial areas through the emergency supply of hygiene products including masks and hand sanitizers. ► Motgol General Market, Suwon City The number of shoppers at this traditional market in Suwon (수원) City has dropped to one tenth of usual numbers after the announcement of a new novel coronavirus case in an adjacent area. ► Gwon Gyeong-rae, Motgol General Market Merchant “Infection itself is the greatest concern. The next is the business slowdown due to the decrease in the number of shoppers at the market.” ► Hygiene Product Support for Traditional Markets Gyeonggi Province began supplying masks and hand sanitizers to small businesses in traditional markets and backstreet areas so as to help reduce economic losses by reducing infection risks in those areas. ► Jo Jang-seok, Director, Gyeonggi Province Small Business Division “We launched this program to protect traditional markets and backstreet commerce, the lifeline of the working-class economy, from the spread of the novel coronavirus.” ► Protection Efforts through Cooperation with Regional Small Business Associations The province will also work with regional small business associations to prevent the spread of the contagion, increase the number of disinfection activities, and provide education on preventive measures. ► Lee Cung-hwan, President, Gyeonggi Province Small Business Association “We will do our utmost to aid the revival of traditional market commerce by working closely with residents and merchants.” The province is monitoring traditional market and economic situations and will take additional measures to revive backstreet commerce if current circumstances persist for more than three months.   4. Gyeonggi to Help Tourism Industry Overcome Novel Coronavirus Crisis (0205-1) With the novel coronavirus that originated from Wuhan City of Hubei Province in China becoming a constant focus of media in Korea, the Korean government has banned the entry of foreigners who visited Hubei Province. The Korean tourism industry was directly hit by this situation with the number of tourists dropping and reservations continuously being cancelled. To address this situation, Gyeonggi Province convened a meeting with the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization and tourism industry representatives to discuss response measures. ► Novel Coronavirus Infection Causes Coughing and Respiratory Conditions The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus to be an international emergency situation. With the number of confirmed infection cases continuing to increase in Korea, a large number of people are refraining from leaving their homes. ► Jeong Seong-yun, Hwaseong City Resident “I want to go on family trips but can’t for fear of my baby and my wife contracting the novel coronavirus since I don’t know what kind of people we will encounter.” ► Visitors Numbers to Major Gyeonggi Tourism Destinations Fall by 30% With the number of reservations and events at tourist destinations being continuously cancelled, the number of visitors has also decreased by 30 percent compared with last year. Overall, tourism businesses are experiencing a serious slump. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute (February 4) Gyeonggi Public-Private Tourism Crisis Response Meeting During the meeting, more than 50 attendees from the tourism, accommodation and aviation industries were briefed about tourism market damage and shared opinions. ► Pyeon Heung-jin, Executive Director, Gyeonggido Tourism Association “Up to March 20, almost 100 percent of tours have been cancelled.” ► Tourist Safety and Support for Affected Tourism Businesses Discussed Topics of discussion included proactive measures including those for the safety of local and foreign tourists as well as support for affected tourism businesses. ► Jang Yeong-geun, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Culture and Sports Bureau “I believe that the public and private sectors must work together to minimize damaging effects.” ► Supply of Masks and Hand Sanitizers to Tourism Business Employees Following suggestions made at the meeting, Gyeonggi Province will set up infectious disease prevention information boards at tourism destinations and supply masks and hand sanitizers to tourism business employees.   5. Gyeonggi Arts Center to Introduce Repertoire Season System (0205-2) The Gyeonggi Arts Center, a representative performance venue of Gyeonggi Province, announced that it will introduce a repertoire season system this year for the first time in its 30-year history. Our reporter examined the details. ► The Plaza Hotel, Seoul (February 4) Gyeonggi Arts Center Press Briefing on Repertoire Season On February 4, the Gyeonggi Arts Center revealed performance events it has prepared for this year. During the season, the Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Troupe will present a range of new performances including traditional and modern dances. The Gyeonggi Provincial Korean Classical Music Company will present ‘sinawe’ (시나위), an impromptu performance that combines traditional rhythms with western instrumental music. ► Won Il, Arts Director, Gyeonggi Provincial Korean Classical Music Company “We will present different flavors of modern music that encompass jazz, classical music, world music and electronic music. Come and taste them.” ► This Year’s Gyeonggi Arts Center Repertoire Season This year’s Gyeonggi Arts Center repertoire season begins on February 27 and ends on December 22. ► 125 Performances Through 31 Events During 300-Day Season During this 300-day season, a total of 125 performances will be presented through 31 events staged by the provincial drama company, dance company, Korean classical music company and philharmonic orchestra under the themes of change, challenge, future and progression, respectively. ► Lee Wu-jong, President, Gyeonggi Arts Center “We will create quality performances through the provincial art companies in cooperation with four directors and company members of until the end of the year. Your expectations will be satisfied.”   6. 1st Gyeonggi Residents Policy Festival (0206-1) On February 5, the first Gyeonggi Resident Policy Festival took place. During the event, residents of Gyeonggi Province proposed, discussed and evaluated various policies. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (February 5) 1st Gyeonggi Resident Policy Festival During the festival, evaluations of the discussion results pertaining to 16 proposed policies also took place with the participation of more than 50 related provincial officials, public and private cooperative governance committee members and policy advisors. ► Lee Ok-hui, President, Gyeonggi Taktinnaeil “We ask Gyeonggi Province to provide spaces for public discussion, youth activities and resident participation at a minimum.” In response to the request for free activity spaces for youths, participants agreed to establish a youth training center, cultural centers and Hyu Cafes. ► Choi Yun-gyeong, Chairperson, Gunpo City Small Library Committee “I believe that there is a need for policies appropriate for the reality and characteristics of small libraries, which have grown significantly.” Regarding proposals for Small Library Committee support and Small Library Support Center establishment, the development of small library promotion policies led by representative provincial libraries was agreed upon. ► Evaluations of Discussion Results on 16 Proposed Policies During evaluation reports, discussion results pertaining to 16 proposed policies were shared. The proposals made during policy discussions will be addressed through collaboration with related provincial departments. ► Quarterly Progress Details to Be Shared Online/Offline Progress details will be shared online and offline on a quarterly basis. ► Seo Nam-gwon, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Communication and Cooperative Governance Bureau “I believe that the appropriate method is for us to continuously address the issues as our tasks and gradually isolate the problems and develop solutions.” The second Gyeonggi Resident Policy Festival for the discussion of potential provincial policies is slated for September or October this year.   7. Stories of Heroes During Spread of Novel Coronavirus (0206-2) With the number of confirmed novel coronavirus cases continuously increasing everyday, people in Korea are overwhelmed by fears of virus contraction as well as by Sinophobia and rumors. In the midst of such social anxiety, there are those who voluntarily work to protect their families and neighbors. GTV examined the heartwarming stories of such heroes. “I cleaned elevator buttons and hand rails. I will clean them daily for the time being.” This is a note found on the bulletin board of an apartment building in Hwaseong (화성) City. ► Voluntary Cleaning by Apartment Resident On January 31, a resident of this apartment building posted this note on an apartment bulletin board. He has been voluntarily sterilizing the apartment elevator and lobby on a daily basis to protect residents from the novel coronavirus. Thank-you notes from neighbors soon followed. ► Lee So-ra, Apartment Resident, Hwaseong City “I didn’t start doing it thinking I was doing anything significant, but I am grateful to all who expressed their gratitude and encouragement. I am just glad that I can do something for my local community as a community member.” ► Motgol General market, Suwon City In a traditional market in Suwon (수원) City, a merchant association distributed 50 masks to each merchant in the market to safeguard against the novel coronavirus. It also performs quarantine activities twice daily so as to ensure a clean market environment. ► Lee Chung-hwan, Chairperson, Motgol Market Merchant Association “We hope that this crisis won’t last long. Although we are experiencing difficulties now, we are working with merchants and residents to overcome this crisis and help the market regain its vitality…” These people are heroes, little giants, whose humanity shines in a crisis situation. They are inspiring their neighbors to overcome the hardships caused by this virus. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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