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Hwaseong International Theme Park Vision Revealed
작성자 관리자 작성일 2019-12-06
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Hwaseong International Theme Park Vision Revealed (1125-1) After ten years of delay, the Hwaseong (화성) International Theme Park project is finally seeing positive progress with the declaration of the project vision, including targeted completion in 2031, by the related authorities. ► Hwaseong International Theme Park Project Site, Hwaseong City Slated for a 4.2 million-square-meter site in Songsan (송산) Green City of Hwaseong (화성), this resort complex will feature four theme parks – an IT-integrated amusement park, a year-round water park, a dinosaur theme park, and a kids’ park – as well as a hotel, shopping mall and golf course. ► Songsan Green City, Hwaseong City (November 21) Declaration of Visions for Hwaseong International Theme Park The project vision was revealed on November 21 during a ceremony held jointly by Gyeonggi Province, Hwaseong (화성) City, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, K-Water, and the Sinsegae Group. ► Sinsegae Group to Develop Park as Korea’s Representative Smart City Model The vice chairperson of Sinsegae Group, the developer, revealed the group’s plans to develop the site not simply as a theme park but instead as a representative smart city. ► Jeong Yong-jin, Vice, Sinsegae Group “We will develop a theme park like no other in the world and will contribute to national tourism as well as the local economy.” Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) offered assurances of maximum support to ensure the success of the project. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I believe that it is the role of an administration to create environments appropriate for enterprises to engage in economic activities. Gyeonggi Province will offer its utmost support so as to enable the project to be successfully, stably and swiftly completed.” Initially, Gyeonggi Province, Hwaseong (화성) City and K-Water will focus on supporting the realization of groundbreaking in 2021. ► Grand Opening Slated for 2031 and Partial Opening for 2026 The partial opening of the park is slated for 2026 with the full-fledged opening in 2031. ► 15,000 New Jobs and 19 Million Annual Tourist Visits Expected When completed, the Hwaseong International Theme Park is expected to create approximately 15,000 new jobs and to attract approximately 19 million tourist visits annually. 2. Gyeonggi to Support Youth Employment and Innovative Startups (191126-1) During a recent informal meeting with youths, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) stated that there is a need for new youth policies and pledged provincial support for innovative youth startups. ► Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation (November 22) Talkfest on Youth Employment and Startup Support Policies With participants including young entrepreneurs, Governor Lee, National Assembly members and provincial Youth Policy Committee members, this meeting was organized to discuss youth employment issues. During the meeting, Governor Lee asserted the need for new youth policies to counter diminishing opportunities for youths. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “One possible solution may be to provide innovative youth startups with provincial support and seek new alternatives therefrom.” During the meeting, participants presented diverse opinions on youth policies regarding employment, startup support, and welfare. These opinions will be reflected in provincial policies after legal and feasibility reviews.   3. Illegally Occupied Gyeonggi Mountain Valleys Returned to Nature (191126-4) Since June, Gyeonggi Province has been clearing mountain valleys of illegal business facilities. On November 22, Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) met with business owners on site and discussed possible post-demolition measures. ► Illegal Structures at Eobi Valley Demolition Site, Gapyeong County Lush forests and clear streams are revealed when illegal facilities are removed. Mountain valley restoration work like this is underway at a number of locations in the province. ► Gyeonggi Restores Mountain Valleys Since June Since June, approximately half of the nearly 1,400 illegal facilities identified in mountain valleys have been removed by the province. ► Community Hall, Gail-2ri, Gapyeong County (November 22) Resident-Governor Meeting on Illegal Businesses in Mountain Valleys and Streams During his visit to Eobi (어비) Valley in Gapyeong (가평) County, Governor Lee spoke with local residents and listened to their suggestions for the creation of promenades and parking lots, as well as for restoration work. ► Jeong Yeong-sik, Local Resident, Gapyeong County “Although it may affect people’s livelihoods now, the preserved beauty of valleys will offer greater benefits to all of us in the long run. I am in favor of the restoration of clean and beautiful valleys.” The province will provide local governments with necessary budget support on an application basis. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We will endeavor to help local residents enjoy new lives and opportunities through these natural splendors.” Governor Lee pledged that the province will be positive in supporting eco-friendly stream management proposals made by local residents and business owners.   4. Large Number of Illegal Food Delivery Business Practices Uncovered in Gyeonggi (1126-2) The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police recently uncovered a large number of food delivery businesses that, despite warnings, have engaged in illegal practices such as violations of hygiene requirements and country-of-origin indication. ► Delivery Food Business, Goyang City At this home-style restaurant that specializes in deliveries to local factory workers, inspectors find plastic bags and bowls containing leftover side dishes from collected food vessels. [Sync] “You have collected left-over kimchi here, haven’t you? It’s leftover food.” / “No, we are not collecting it. We throw it away.” / “Instead of throwing away, you have been saving what you have collected here.” / “It’s not being saved …” ► Chinese Restaurant, Yongin City The cuttlefish used by this Chinese restaurant is denoted on a delivery app as being Korean in origin, contrary to labeling that says it is from Chile. [Sync] “A large proportion of the customers of this restaurant use the delivery app, where they check the countries of origin.” ► Chinese Restaurant, Gwangmyeong City Another Chinese restaurant was found to be extremely unhygienic with unsightly accumulations of dirt hanging like icicles. [Sync] “What are those things that look like icicles? Haven’t you cleaned this place at all this year, sir?” The interior of a seemingly unusable refrigerator is lined with mold. ► 158 out of 550 Inspected Locations Apprehended for Illegal Practices Out of 550 food delivery restaurants inspected, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police identified illegal practices at 158 locations despite a month’s prior notification of inspection. ► Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police Superintendent Lee Byeong-woo “Demand for food deliveries keeps growing. Therefore, we pay special attention to those restaurants that do not have serving halls and whose kitchens are in closed spaces. We will continue our inspections so as to eradicate the use of improper foods.” Of those apprehended, 139 were sent to prosecution and 19 were referred to local offices for administrative punishments.   5. Provincial Natural Disaster Insurance Support for Small Businesses in Gyeonggi (1127-1) Gyeonggi Province recently announced its plans for the provincewide expansion of natural disaster insurance support for small businesses. This insurance will cover damage from eight types of natural disasters. ► Gyeonggi to Expand Storm & Flood Insurance Support to All 31 Localities Originally aimed at protecting small businesses from storm- and flood-related damage, this insurance support has been available only in three localities of the province: Yongin (용인) City, Gimpo (김포) City and Yangpyeong (양평) County. ► Small Businesses with Specified Number of Employers Eligible for Support Small businesses in the mining, manufacturing, construction and transportation sectors with fewer than 10 employees or others with fewer than 5 employees can qualify for this insurance program. ► Kim Bong-nyeong, Traditional Market Merchant “Small business operators like us and our families may suffer greatly from natural disasters. This insurance can provide significant relief.” ► Covers 8 Natural Disaster Types The natural disaster types covered by this insurance include storms, floods, heavy rainfalls, winds, storm surges, snowfall and earthquakes. ► Differentiated Coverage for Factories, Shop Facilities, Inventories The maximum amount of coverage is KRW 150 million for factories, KRW 100 million for shops, and KRW 30 million for inventories. ► Discount to Be Offered to Recipients of Related Policy Fund Support In addition, the recipients of related policy fund support are entitled to a discount. ► Kim Nam-geun, Director, Gyeonggi Province Natural Disaster Division “A natural disaster can be a significant blow to small business operators. We will actively promote this small business insurance support program since we believe it can effectively alleviate such personal difficulties.” ► Information Available from Local Public Offices and Disaster Offices Information about the insurance program can be obtained from local disaster offices or the insurance company.   6. Gyeonggi to Supply Public Rental Housing to 41,000 Households (191125-2) The Gyeonggi Happy Home, low-cost rental housing constructed by Gyeonggi Province for youths and newlyweds, was recently completed in Namyangju (남양주) City and received its first occupants. ► ‘Gyeonggi Happy Home’, Namyangju City (November 22) Completed this past September, this Gyeonggi Happy Home consists of 970 apartments near Dasan (다산) Station, which itself is slated to open in 2022. The apartments in this complex, which also includes a childcare center, a library and fitness facilities, are offered at 60 to 80 percent of market prices. ► Lee Ju-hyeong, Gyeonggi Happy Home Resident “The greatest advantage is that the percentage of my salary required for housing has been significantly reduced. Monthly rent is really economical at KRW 69,000. These housing units have various advantages for youths.” ► Gyeonggi Happy Home Offers Multiple Benefits to Occupants Rental support depending on number of children is provided to married couples while larger units are available for newlyweds. There are also community convenience facilities. During the opening ceremony, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) stated that the key to successful real estate policy is to supply a large number of long-term rental housing units. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “My plan is to supply 41,000 public rental housing units exclusively from provincial budgets before my term ends. Since the effects of rental housing supply will shift from working-class to middle-class families, I ask you to work accordingly with that in mind.” ► Gyeonggi Targets Supply of 10,000 Gyeonggi Happy Home by 2022 Gyeonggi Province plans to initially supply 10,000 Gyeonggi Happy Home units by the year 2022. The province will also supply an additional 61,000 public rental housing units to newlyweds, college students and career starters.   7. Medicine Broker and Doctors Apprehended for Fraud in Gyeonggi (191128-2) An illegal drug ring involving a broker, a pharmacy, sanatoriums and doctors was recently uncovered in Gyeonggi Province. This broker delivered drugs purchased from a single pharmacy to sanatoriums using preions issued by doctors to patients without their knowledge. During the illegal operation, the personal information of more than 900 patients was leaked. ► Pharmacy in Gyeonggi Province At a pharmacy, a man picks up a large box suspected to contain drugs and loads it into his car. He repeats the trip a number of times. ► Broker Picks up Large Amounts of Drugs Using Falsely Issued Preions A drug wholesaler, this individual has been delivering medicines he picked up at this pharmacy to 77 sanatoriums both within and outside Gyeonggi Province using preions issued by doctors on behalf of patients at six hospitals. [Sync] “I just did as I was told by doctors who instructed me to hand the preions to the pharmacy…” This drug wholesaler acted as a broker between hospitals and sanatoriums. He was compensated through drugs-in-trade being included in the preions. The pharmacy involved also benefited by monopolizing sales to more than 980 patients. This illegal drug ring took advantage of a provision that enables a third party to purchase prescribed drugs on behalf of sanatorium patients. ► Personal Information of Patients Leaked This illegal drug operation resulted in the exposure of a range of personal information about the patients. ► Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police Superintendent Lee Byeong-woo “Collusion between medical institutes and pharmacies may result in over-preions. In this case, patients may also face problems getting required drugs in the future since they do not possess preion copies.” Over a 9-month period that began in April of 2018, drugs worth KRW 420 million in total were distributed through collusion. The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police announced that they have sent 9 accomplices, including 6 doctors, 2 pharmacists, and a broker, to prosecution. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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