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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Agricultural Corporations Apprehended for Illegal Real Estate Profiteering
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-07-17
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Agricultural Corporations Apprehended for Illegal Real Estate Profiteering (0706-2) In a recent investigation of agricultural corporations, Gyeonggi Province uncovered illegal profiteering through real estate transaction tax evasion by 7 of the 37 corporations investigated. These corporations received unlawful gains by reselling land without following the mandatory 3-year usage period even after receiving an acquisition tax exemption. The province sent 6 of the violators to prosecution while imposing a fine of KRW 17 million on the remaining violator for attempted tax evasion. 2. Gyeonggi Expands Untact Systems for Lifelong Education (0708-2) Gyeonggi Province announced detailed plans, including 5 major strategies, to expand the adoption of untact systems in the lifelong education sector while maintaining educational effectiveness. These plans focus on the untact operation of classes so as to enable all residents to receive education easily regardless of their // The province also plans to launch the ‘Gyeonggi Lifelong Learning Portal’ course information website by 2022. This website will enable users to check and apply for courses offered by the province, provincial organizations and local governments.   3. Gyeonggi’s “Food Truck Kitchen Sharing Service” Receives Approval for Trial (0707-1) The Food Truck Kitchen Sharing Service, which Gyeonggi Province announced at the 10th New Technology and Service Review Committee meeting organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT on June 30, received approval for regulatory sandbox trials. This service is aimed at helping food truck operators undertake food preparation in more hygienic environments while reducing startup costs. The regulatory sandbox trial approval system facilitates the verification of products and services by enabling their use free of existing regulations. 4. Jang Hyeon-guk Elected as Chair of 10th Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly (0708-1) On July 7, the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly elected Assembly Member Jang Hyeon-guk (장현국) of the Democratic Party to be its chairperson for the second half of the assembly’s current term. In his inaugural address, Jang stated that he would act as a steppingstone for the happiness of residents and the effectiveness of assembly members. Assembly members Jin Yong-bok (진용복) and Mun Gyeong-hui (문경희) were elected as vice chairs. ◇   5. On-site Application Period for Gyeonggi Disaster Basic Income Prepaid Cards Ends on July 31 (0706-1) Applications for Gyeonggi disaster basic income prepaid cards will continue to be received at local administration and welfare offices as well as NH Bank branches until July 31. Applications can be made by proxy by immediate family members. Those who are unable to apply in person, including solitary seniors and children without parents, can still submit applications to visiting officials. As of July 3, 96.8 percent of Gyeonggi residents had applied for disaster basic income payments totaling KRW 2 trillion. 6. Gyeonggi Selects Preferred Bidder for Public Delivery App Development (0708-3) Gyeonggi Province recently selected the NHN PAYCO Consortium as a preferred bidder for the development of a public delivery app. This consortium, which includes PAYCO, app developers and delivery agencies, has proposed a more public-oriented delivery app. In cooperation with the Korea-Gyeonggido Company, this consortium will undertake the development of a public delivery app that will improve convenience for Gyeonggi residents while protecting the interests of related platform workers and affiliated small businesses. ► Jeong Yeong-hun, CEO, NHN PAYCO “I believe that this will provide us with a wonderful opportunity if we can join in the development of a structure that is beneficial for all stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers and middle persons, on a long-term basis.”   7. Large Number of Illegal Hand Sanitizer Manufacturers Apprehended in Gyeonggi (0709-1) In a recent 3-month investigation of 94 hand sanitizer manufacturers in the province, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police uncovered illegal practices at 43 locations. Charging all offenders with related safety and pharmaceutical law violations, the judicial police confirmed that strong measures against such illegal activities will continue to be pursued. ► In Chi-kwon, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police … (illegally produced hand sanitizers) may have some efficacy. However, since their denatured alcohol content can cause skin inflammation and irritation, they fail to meet national medicine and food production standards.” Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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