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Gyeonggi Issues COVID-19 Guidelines in 4 Languages
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-09-11
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Issues COVID-19 Guidelines in 4 Languages (0901-1) Gyeonggi Province has issued personal COVID-19 prevention guidelines in four foreign languages –English, Kazakh, Uzbek and Bangla – so as to encourage active participation of foreign residents in COVID-19 response efforts as part of society. These guidelines can be accessed via foreign community SNS channels including YouTube. ◇ 2. 346th Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Extraordinary Session Begins (0903) On September 1, the 346th extraordinary session of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly began an 18-day run with a general meeting. With the second general meeting slated for September 17, this extraordinary session will see the deliberation of more than 60 items. These items include the second revised supplementary provincial budgets of the year, which amount to KRW 33.2 trillion, a KRW 4.2 trillion increase from the first budgets. ◇ 3. Gyeonggi Helps School Meal Food Suppliers Find Alternative Markets (0901-2) Gyeonggi Province is helping farmers who had been supplying eco-friendly products to schools but are facing difficulties due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic and monsoonal rains. Through this provincial initiative, the Gyeonggi agroFood Institute purchases the farmers’ products while the Korea-Gyeonggido Company sells the products to general consumers through its online mall. This sales event features government-certified organic vegetables and grains that are being sold at low prices without delivery charges. ◇   4. Gyeonggi Province Emergency Medical Volunteers Begin Duties (0902) As a result of Gyeonggi Province’s recent recruitment of emergency COVID-19 personnel, a total of 722 medical professionals have volunteered as of August 30. These include 313 nurses, accounting for the largest group at 43 percent, as well as 169 assistant nurses and 87 oriental medicine doctors. Of these volunteers, 19 nurses were selected and assigned to homecare system operation, a Gyeonggi provincial medical center, and two accommodation-type treatment centers. ◇ 5. Negligence Leading Cause of Warehouse Fires in Gyeonggi (0902-1) After a recent series of large fires at warehouses in Gyeonggi Province, it was found that the most frequent cause of these fires was human negligence. Of the 758 warehouse fires that occurred in the province, 284 were related to negligent acts such as smoldering cigarette disposal and power cord mishandling. The province is doing its utmost to prevent similar fires. These efforts include the preparation of related legal amendments and regulations that will apply to the 28,266 warehouses in the province. ◇ 6. Gyeonggi Governor Proposes Inter-Korean Water Management Cooperation (0901-3) On August 31, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung visited flood sites in Yeoncheon (연천) County to view damage and assess the progress of restoration efforts. During his visit, Governor Lee determined that flood damage can be prevented through cooperative water flow management of the North Han River and Imjin (임진) River by South and North Korea. He then proposed that water management be included as part of inter-Korean cooperation projects ◇   7. Gyeonggi Begins Checking Quarantine Order Observance at Business Sites (0827-2) In cooperation with local police, Gyeonggi Province began inspecting service business operators – including restaurants, cinemas and indoor sports facilities – to ensure that COVID-19-related administrative orders, such as mandatory mask usage, are being properly observed. Those failing to observe the orders will be provided with guidance or, if necessary, apprehended for prosecution. During the enforcement period, violators will be subject to a fine of up to KRW 3 million or a penalty of up to KRW 100,000, in addition to a charge for quarantine costs stemming from the violation. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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