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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Uncovers Illegal Activities in Development Restriction Zones
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-08-21
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Uncovers Illegal Activities in Development Restriction Zones (0806-2) The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police recently apprehended more than 90 violators of development restriction zone regulations in the province. Violations included illegal development activities as well as the installation and operation of containers, greenhouses and factories without permission. The provincial judicial police also reported the illegal activities to local governments for necessary administrative actions. ► Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police Superintendent In Chi-gwon “We will take strong measures to deal with repeated illegal activities within development restriction zones including intensive administrative actions in collaboration with local governments.” ◇ 2. Gyeonggi Hosts Public Meeting on Farmer Basic Income (0810-1) On August 6, Gyeonggi Province held a public meeting on farmer basic income, which the province plans to introduce for the first time in Korea. Held at the Seoul aT Center and hosted by the Gyeonggi agroFood Institute, this meeting saw the participation of more than 20 specialists and farmer organization representatives. Gyeonggi Province’s farmer basic income policy is geared to pay a certain amount to farmers in the form of local currency. During the meeting, participants shared diverse opinions on social acceptance and dissemination of the farmer basic income policy. ◇   3. Crackdowns Continue on Illegal Activities Along Gyeonggi Coastal Areas (0811-1) Gyeonggi Province will continue intensive crackdowns on 5 types of illegal activities along coastal areas, including the installation of illegal beach, shipping port and fishing port structures, as well as illegal fishing activities and trash disposal, until the end of August. Since January, approximately 570 metric tons of trash has been removed from coastal areas while beaches and ports have been transformed through the removal of illegal structures. During a press briefing held on August 10, Agricultural and Maritime Administration Director General Kim Chung-beom (김충범) expressed determination to create clean coastal environments through the eradication of illegal activities that have long been overlooked. ◇ 4. Donations for Former Japanese Military Sexual Slaves Evaporate (0811-2) The House of Sharing, a residential facility operator for former sexual slaves of the Japanese military, received donations amounting to KRW 8.8 billion but transferred only KRW 200 million to its facilities. Even this transferred amount was used primarily to cover indirect facility management costs instead of direct service costs for residents. The related investigation team proposed the formation of a public and private committee to restore normal House of Sharing operations. ► Song Gi-chun, Head of Joint Public-Private House of Sharing Investigation Team “Legal violations by the House of Sharing and its facilities that were disclosed through a joint public-private investigation will be revealed more fully through an investigation by related authorities.” ◇   5. First Gyeonggi Provincial Rail Project Completed in Hanam City (0807-1) On August 8, the first phase of the Hanam (하남) Line, a Subway Line 5 extension that connects Hanam (하남) City to downtown Seoul, was opened. This extension spans a 4.7-kilometer section and covers 3 stations: Sangildong (상일동) Station in Seoul, the previous end of Subway Line 5, as well as Misa (미사) Station and Pungsan (풍산) Station in Hanam (하남) City. Completed in 65 months following the commencement of work in 2015, the opening of this first section will significantly improve traffic during commuting hours for Hanam (하남) City residents. ◇ 6. State-of-the-Art Performance Arena to Be Built in K-Culture Valley in Gyeonggi (0812-1) On August 11, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) and CJ Live CEO Kim Cheon-su (김천수) signed an agreement to cooperate in K-Culture Valley development. Encompassing a performance arena with a 42,000-seat capacity as well as other entertainment facilities, K-Culture Valley will be developed as a Korean Wave contents park with its opening slated for 2024. This agreement is expected to give new momentum to this long-delayed project. ◇   7. Gyeonggi Actively Pursues Improved Inter-Korean Relations (0812-2) Gyeonggi Province recently hosted a meeting to discuss ways in which to improve inter-Korean relations. Held at the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex on August 12, this meeting saw participation by: Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명); Democracy, Peace and Unification Advisory Committee Vice Chair Jeong Se-hyeon (정세현); former Minister of Unification Lee Jong-seok (이종석); and National Assembly Member Yun Geon-yeong (윤건영). Major topics included the evaluation of Gyeonggi’s anti-Pyongyang leaflet launch prevention measures and the province’s role in inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week
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