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뉴스상세조회 테이블
2021 DMZ Forum Ends with Adoption of Peace Declaration
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-06-04
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 2021 DMZ Forum Ends with Adoption of Peace Declaration (0524) On May 22, the 2021 DMZ Forum ended its successful 2-day run with the adoption of a peace declaration. Organized under the theme of ‘Open a New Horizon for Peace,’ this forum saw 20 discussion sessions attended by domestic and international scholars, specialists and peace organization representatives. The proposals presented during the forum will be reflected by Gyeonggi Province in its policy-making process. ◇ Groundbreaking for Gyeonggi-Goyang Broadcast Image Valley Held on May 20 (0524) Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Gyeonggi-Goyang Broadcast Image Valley on May 20. In his commemorative address, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명) expressed confidence that the Broadcast Image Valley will become a pillar of global cultural content markets. On the same day, Governor Lee signed an agreement with Goyang City Mayor Lee Jae-joon (이재준) and GH President Lee Hun-wook (이헌욱) for parking lot and independent movie theater development at the Goyang Tourism and Culture Complex. ◇   Rental Support to Help COVID-19-impacted Tourism Enterprises (0524) Gyeonggi Province recently announced plans to provide rental support of up to KRW 3 million to more than 300 tourism enterprises that are operating in rented facilities and experiencing difficulties due to the prolonged pandemic. Titled ‘Tourism Enterprise Support for Overcoming COVID-19,’ this support will be available an application basis until June 11 through an online format prepared by the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization. ◇ ‘Gyeonggi Storyteller House’ Opens (0525) The Gyeonggi Storyteller House, a space to support the creative activities of movie screenwriters, officially opened and started operations on May 12. With an area of 168 square meters, this facility is composed of 10 writer rooms as well as meeting rooms and office spaces for writers. In addition to the use of working space for 6 months, resident writers will also be provided with support for related expenses as well as specialist instruction and individual mentoring services. ◇ Public Interest Report System Aids Special Judicial Police Investigations The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police announced that, during a 2-year period from 2019, they were able to prosecute 93 criminal cases thanks to the Public Interest Report System According to the announcement, the judicial police received a total of 554 reports from members of the public, 149 in 2019 and 405 in 2020. Of these, 14 cases in 2019 and 79 cases in 2020 were sent to prosecution after follow-up investigations. In 2019, this report system was expanded with the introduction of an award system through related ordinance amendment. ◇   ‘Local Government Council for Inter-Korean Peace and Cooperation’ Launched (0525) On May 21, the Local Government Council for Inter-Korean Peace and Cooperation was officially launched. The launching ceremony was accompanied by a declaration of participation and the open discussion of inter-Korean exchange and cooperation at the local government level under the theme of ‘Peace is Better Together.’ This council will undertake exchange and cooperation promotion as well as related national and international network development. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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