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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi’s Experiential Career Program for Middle School Students
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-07-16
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Gyeonggi’s Experiential Career Program for Middle School Students (0705) Gyeonggi Province has been operating an experiential career program that includes enterprise visits and online classes for middle school students, especially those in rural areas and other regions lacking educational opportunities. On July 5, the province signed a cooperation agreement with the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education and 16 participating enterprises to help address issues pertaining to middle school student experiential career education while also expanding enterprise participation in such efforts. ◇ Illegal Inland Fishery Practices Uncovered in Gyeonggi (0706) A number of Inland Water Fisheries Act violations were uncovered in Gyeonggi Province. After a recent crackdown on such violations undertaken in collaboration by Gyeonggi’s Maritime and Fisheries Division, local governments and the Korea Rural Community Corporation, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police sent 6 cases to prosecution and reported 9 cases to local governments for administrative punishments. Among those sent to prosecution were 5 cases of unlicensed fishing using illegal methods and one case of trading illegally caught fish, while those reported included 2 cases of unregistered operations and 7 cases of angling on motor-powered vessels. ◇ Gyeonggi Governor Lee: Public Housing Supply and Taxation on Nonessential Real Estate Must be Increased (0707) On July 6, the National Assembly Members Forum on the Enactment of the Real Estate Market Act was held jointly by Gyeonggi Province and 38 National Assembly members at the Glad Yeouido(여의도) Hotel. Streamed live online without an in-person audience, this forum was organized for the discussion of the enactment of a law to systematically control unfair real estate transactions and protect real estate consumers. During the forum, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명) stated that real estate market normalization depends on successful control of speculative investments and pseudo-demand through the maintenance of appropriate public housing supply, including basic housing units, as well as on increased taxation of nonessential real estate. ◇  Gyeonggi and S. Cheolla to Cooperate in Policy Development (0706) On July 2, Gyeonggi Province and South Cheolla (전라) Province signed an agreement to cooperate in policy development and joint research so as to better prepare for the future of the two regions. Participating in the signing ceremony, which took place at the South Cheolla Provincial Government Complex, were Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명), South Cheolla Province Governor Kim Yeong-rok (김영록), Gyeonggi Research Institute President Lee Han-ju (이한주), and South Cheolla Research Institute President Park Jae-yeong (박재영). The primary subjects of cooperation include the expansion of eco-friendly South Cheolla farm product supply for school meals in Gyeonggi, and the reduction of marine trash and waste. ◇ ‘2021 Young Women’s Online Forum’ Held by Gyeonggi Employment Foundation (0706) The Gyeonggi Province Employment Foundation recently held the ‘2021 Young Women’s Online Forum’ for the discussion of issues pertaining to women who experience career breaks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions focused on areas to consider for post-COVID-19 career development. The Gyeonggi Province Employment Foundation will continue to organize similar events on a variety of subjects including youth support and gap-year programs. ◇ Gyeonggi Pursues Expansion of Contactless Volunteer Activities (0709, 0713) During the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, contactless involvement is becoming a trend in volunteer activities. The Gyeonggi Volunteer Center has also become active in promoting contactless volunteer activities through the preparation of diverse contactless programs as well as proposals for the management of such programs. Its representative contactless volunteer programs include the ‘Sonagi (소나기) Project,’ which provides single mothers with dolls, and the ‘Saelogochim (새로고침) Monitoring’ initiative that investigates wild bird collisions with windows. ◇   Talk Show ‘Launching a Ship of Peace on the Jo River’ Held at Gimpo Art Hall (0701) On June 30, Gyeonggi Province and Gimpo City held a public talk show titled Launching a Ship of Peace on the Jo River at the Gimpo Art Hall. Reflecting on the meaning and value of the Jo River, the participants, including Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor Lee Jae-gang (이재강) and Gimpo City Mayor Jeong Ha-yeong (정하영), discussed the peaceful utilization of this Han River estuary. During the event, Vice Governor Lee stated that peace is essential for the economy and prosperity while offering assurances that the province will endeavor to realize the day when a ship of peace is launched on the Jo River. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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