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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Korea’s First Expressway Rest Area Public Clinic Opens in Gyeonggi
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-08-06
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Korea’s First Expressway Rest Area Public Clinic Opens in Gyeonggi (0727-2) On July 26, a public clinic opened at the Anseong (안성) Rest Area on the Seoul-bound Gyeongbu (경부) Expressway. This facility, the first expressway public clinic in Korea, is staffed by 6 medical personnel and operates throughout the year including holidays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on other days of the week. ◇ Gyeonggi Agricultural Institute Provides Heat Damage Prevention Support (0729-2) With intense heatwaves affecting people as well as crops and livestock in Korea, the Gyeonggi Agricultural Research and Extension Services swiftly began operation of its Agricultural Status Room while advising farmers to take special care to prevent heat-related damage. Farmers who face possible heat damage can seek technical support by contacting the institute or local agricultural technology centers. ◇ Carbon-neutral Hydrogen Complex to Be Established at Pyeongtaek Port (0727-3) 7.5 Gyeonggi Province has announced plans to establish a carbon-neutral hydrogen complex at Pyeongtaek (평택) Port and to initiate a cooperative system with 20 public organizations to that end. This announcement was made at the July 26 signing of related investment and cooperation agreements by Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명), Pyeongtaek (평택) City Mayor Jeong Jang-sun (정장선), and Gyeonggi Province Climate Response & Industry Conversion Committee Co-Chairs Cho Myeong-rae (조명래) and Kang Geum-sil (강금실). Part of efforts to realize carbon neutrality by the year 2050, the Pyeongtaek (평택) Port Carbon-neutral Hydrogen Complex is a Korean government initiative that will see the creation of a special hydrogen complex, hydrogen city, and green hydrogen region in the Pyeongtaek (평택) Port area. According to the related agreements, Gyeonggi Province and participating organizations will cooperate in establishment processes for the complex through a related utive committee with the aim of transforming Pyeongtaek (평택) Port into a hydrogen port by the year 2040. ◇   World’s First ‘Data Sovereignty International Forum’ to Be Held in Gyeonggi (0730) With daily life increasingly being governed by the volume and value of data, Gyeonggi Province plans to hold an international forum on data sovereignty, the first of its kind in the world, so as to identify ways in which to protect and exercise personal data rights. Slated for September 8, the 2021 Data Sovereignty International Forum – to be held both online and offline – will feature related specialists, government officials and private organization representatives from around the world. Discussion subjects will also include the roles of data users. ◇ Gyeonggi Undertakes Comprehensive Heat Damage Prevention Measures (0728) With heatwave warnings in effect for all 31 cities and counties of Gyeonggi Province, the provincial administration has been pursuing comprehensive heat damage prevention measures. Vulnerable individuals, including seniors, are being visited by public officials who provide equipment and guidance to help prevent heat-related harm. A homeless individual protection system has also been established to monitor the health of such individuals and to provide emergency relief such as medicine and water. Outdoor workers, including construction workers, are being monitored to ensure the operation of regular rest systems as well as to provide workers with heat shelters and safety education. ◇ 50,000 Mudfish Released in Gyeonggi Inland Waters for Insect Pest Control (0726) Gyeonggi Province has released Korean indigenous mudfish into inland waters at 13 locations as an ecofriendly means of controlling oriental mayfly and mosquito populations. Produced by the Gyeonggi Maritime & Fisheries Research Institute, the mudfish prey on these insect pests with one fish devouring more than a thousand larvae on average daily. For a 3-day period from July 20 to 22, a total of 50,000 mudfish - between 2,000 and 7,000 at each location - were released in Gyeonggi inland waters including sites in the cities of Yangpyeong (양평), Yeoju (여주) and Namyangju (남양주). ◇   1st Regular Meeting of Local Government Council on Basic Income Held on July 28 (0730) On July 28, the Local Government Council on Basic Income held its first regular meeting via teleconferencing. Out of 80 affiliated local governments, representatives of 59 participated in this meeting, including Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명), Ulju (을주) County Mayor Lee Seon-ho (이선호), and Osan (오산) City Mayor Gwak Sang-uk (곽상욱). During the meeting, participants passed 4 proposals for the establishment of the council’s operational foundation including those regarding local government basic income contributions, secretariat organization, and approval systems, as well as budget, accounting and equipment management. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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