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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Public Officials Receive Online Education on Autonomous Police
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-11-05
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Gyeonggi Public Officials Receive Online Education on Autonomous Police (1025) Since the autonomous police system was implemented nationwide in July, the Southern Gyeonggi Autonomous Police Council has been providing residents and public officials with online education about this system, including its background and operations, so as to help foster a better understanding of the new police system and facilitate the provision of effective police services. Detailed information about the education program can be obtained from the websites of G-SEEK and Gyeonggi Province. Education for public officials is being provided through an online program operated by the Gyeonggi Provincial Human Resource Development Institute. ◇ 2021 Gyeonggi Cultural Festival for Families with Disabled Members (1019) On October 19, Gyeonggi Province and the Northern Gyeonggi Disabled Family Support Center hosted an online cultural festival for families with members who have disabilities. Launched in 2016, this annual event seeks to promote leisure activities and cultural enjoyment among such families. This year’s event featured award presentations to those who contributed to the welfare of families with disabled members as well as a leather bag-making event in an online format with prepared kits that saw the participation of 250 families. ◇   Gyeonggi to Launch Home English Education Program for Youths (1022) The Paju (파주) Changeup Campus of the Gyeonggi Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning will operate a visiting English education program for 20 socially underprivileged youths. This home English education program will be provided to kindergarten, primary and middle school students by native English teachers from the Paju Changeup Campus. The Paju Changeup Campus also provides youths with diverse English learning opportunities including a visiting musical program and group program. ◇ 11th Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale to Run until November 28 (1019) The 2021 Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale is currently underway both online and offline, with the online event being accessible via the websites of the three event venues in the cities of Icheon (이천), Yeoju (여주), and Gwangju (광주). Held under the theme of ‘Rewrite Re:start’ and running until November 28, the biennale, which marks its eleventh occasion this year, consists of diverse exhibits including a regular international exhibition and special invitation-based exhibitions that feature Dutch and other international ceramic works. Through this year’s event, Gyeonggi Province and the Korea Ceramic Foundation will examine the past and post-COVID-19 meaning of ceramic arts while conveying a message of healing and hope. ◇ 1st Gyeonggi Province ‘C-Zero-Go’ Event Held on October 27 (1028) On October 27, Gyeonggi Province held the 1st C-Zero-Go event, an open forum of local governments, enterprises and the public on climatic issues and the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050. Held under the slogan of ‘Zero Carbon, Doubled Happiness, and a New Gyeonggi’, this event featured an international forum, presentations, discussions and promotional booths. The contents of the C-Zero-Go event can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the Environmental Foundation and on the Live Gyeonggi social broadcasting channel. ◇  Mobile Cultural Technology Exhibition ‘Earth Museum’ (1028) Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Content Agency will jointly operate a cultural technology touring exhibition, known as ‘Earth Museum,’ at 6 locations in the province including the Art Village in Paju (파주) City. The Earth Museum will feature diverse cultural technologies such as holograms, media arts, and kinetic arts. In November, the exhibition will take place in the cities of Paju (파주) and Suwon (수원). Detailed information on the exhibition can be obtained from the Gyeonggi Content Agency website. ◇ Gyeonggi Team Triumphs at 41st National Sports Games for the Disabled (1028) Gyeonggi Province was the overall winner at the 41st National Sports Games for the Disabled, which began on October 20, winning a total of 353 medals. On October 28, the team of the Gyeonggi Province Sports Association for the Disabled received the championship pennant at a ceremony joined by Acting Gyeonggi Province Governor Oh Byoung-kwon (오병권), Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee Chairperson Choi Man-sik (최만식) and representatives of the team. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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