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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Governor Determined to Set Example in African Swine Fever Control
작성자 관리자 작성일 2019-10-04
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Governor Determined to Set Example in African Swine Fever Control (190924-1) Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) urged officials to set a global example in suppressing African Swine Fever, or ASF, in its early stages through the strongest measures possible. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “When sterilizing the affected sites and controlling movements, ask yourselves if you really are exercising the strongest measures you believe appropriate as we have all understood.” ► North Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex, Uijeongbu City (September 23) Gyeonggi Province Regional Administration Deputy Heads Video Conference on ASF Governor Lee made this assertion during a video conference of local administration deputy heads held in the ASF Control Headquarters established at the Northern Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex. ► Governor Lee Calls for Maximum Responses Governor Lee also offered assurances of maximum provincial support for control measures regardless of the cost. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Globally, there are few cases of successfully suppressing ASF in its early stages. I ask you to do your utmost to make Gyeonggi Province a global example in achieving that.” ► Gyeonggi Operates 29 Sterilizing Stations and Extends Animal Transport Ban to 3 Weeks In addition to operating sterilizing facilities at 29 strategic locations, Gyeonggi Province recently extended the animal transport prohibition period from 1 week to 3 weeks.   2. ‘Gyeonggi Game Global Week’ Held in Pangyo (190924) Last week, a Gyeonggi Province game industry fair featuring business consultations and a game industry conference as well as game audition finals was held at the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center. ► Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, Pangyo, Seongnam City (September 24-26) ‘Gyeonggi Game Global Week’ This 3-day event, titled ‘Gyeonggi Game Global Week’, was sponsored by Gyeonggi Province and organized by the Gyeonggi Contents Agency with the aim of identifying and supporting local game enterprises with overseas sales potential. During the fair, a number of new games were introduced including an action role-playing game that targets the mobile market and a Mars exploration game for American and Russian enthusiasts. The game audition finals provided viewers with an opportunity to see new games that had passed qualifying rounds. ► 11th New Gyeonggi Game Auditions - Finals (September 24) Held on September 24, the first day of the event, the game audition finals featured ten games, of which five were selected by industry specialists for overseas market launch support. These frontrunners will receive provincial development support of up to KRW 50 million as well as residency at the Gyeonggi Global Game Center and follow-up support. ► Kim Seong-ki, Top Team Leader “[This audition] already meant a lot to us in that we could make ourselves known, introduce our wonderful game, and have many users try our game. Winning top place is a bonus. Although it adds pressure, we will continue to work hard to live up to expectations.” ► 6th Game Business Day (September 25) The second day of the event, designated as Game Business Day, saw representatives of 30 game enterprises in the province meet with industry representatives from more than 20 nations with the aim of promoting game exports. ► Global Game Conference (September 26) On the third day, a global game conference was held during which representatives of international game enterprises discussed industry trends and trade strategies as well as successful game trade cases. ► Kim Seon-hwa, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Game Industry Promotion Team “…not simply to identify enterprises [with export potential] through auditions, but also assist them with the actual process of realizing exports, identify global market trends and be able to provide constructive ideas for recommendable fields.” For the advancement of the domestic game industry, Gyeonggi Province also plans to promote personnel development and startups and to support related SMEs.   3. 2019 DMZ International Documentary Film Festival Runs until September 27 (190924) The 11th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, held for an 8-day run at multiple venues in the cities of Paju (파주) and Goyang (고양), ended after successfully screening 152 documentary films from 46 nations. ▲ For Sama by Waad Al-kateab and Edward Watts For Sama, a story told by a journalist to her daughter during the chaos of the Syrian Civil War, was the first place winner at the Cannes Film Festival this past May. ▲ Let’s Peace, aka 2019 Across Desert Past Lake by Park So-hyeon Let’s Peace, one of the opening films, follows Korean youths who traveled by rail from Mokpo to Berlin via Vladivostok while singing ‘Let’s Peace’ along the way with the accompaniment of various instruments. ► Park So-hyeon, Film Director “..couldn’t find a proper title. It didn’t sound good to me to use the word ‘want’ or ‘hope’ with peace, so I selected the more active ‘Let’s Peace’. I thought it might be a good idea to share a message of peace while travelling, playing Brazilian percussion instruments to attract attention.” ► Having Fun in Pyeongyang by Pierre Olivera Having Fun in Pyeongyang (평양) presents daily images of the North Korean capital as seen by the director, Pierre Olivera, during his visits to that city over the past eight years. ►152 Documentaries from 46 Nations Covering diverse subjects that depict the values of peace, communication and life, this year’s festival featured 152 documentary films from 46 nations. ► 64 Korean Films Commemorate Korean Movie Centennial Sixty-four Korean films were screened to commemorate the centennial of Korean movies, twice as many as last year. ► Hong Hyeong-suk, DMZ International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee Chairperson “Strolling around the outdoor cinemas, visitors will be able to find documentary films ideal for them.” ► 11th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival Ends After an 8-day run in the cities of Paju (파주) and Goyang (고양), the 11th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival ended on September 27.   4. Gyeonggi and Incheon to Cooperate in Resolving Landfill Issues (190925-1) Gyeonggi Province and Incheon (인천) Metropolitan City officially agreed to cooperate in securing new landfill sites for Seoul and surrounding metropolitan regions. The two administrations also urged the central government to take the lead in such efforts. Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) stressed the need to reduce waste and to compensate residents affected by landfills. ► Landfill, Incheon Metropolitan City This landfill has received waste from Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province for the past 20 years. No new site has yet been designated to replace this landfill after it closes in 2025. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (September 25) Gyeonggi-Incheon Joint Announcement of Cooperation in Securing New Landfills On September 25, the two authorities jointly announced this agreement, which also includes collaboration in having the central government act as a host of landfill projects in these regions. ► Governor Lee: “…must minimize landfill use… compensate local residents for their sacrifices…” Stating that landfill usage must be minimized, Governor Lee asserted his intent to reduce the burden on Incheon residents. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I hope that, through close cooperation, we will be able to devise rational alternatives, not force people to suffer unfairly, and provide sufficient compensation to those who do.” ► Incheon Metropolitan City Mayor Park Nam-chun “The central government may deal with this issue from a broader perspective through the adjustment of environmental policies and the provision of special incentives. In addition, related policy-making agencies must propose alternatives…” The two authorities agreed to operate new environment-friendly landfills without allowing direct disposal and to develop local waste disposal policies independently of landfill operations. The replacement landfill issue has also been a subject addressed by a consultation body comprised of representatives of Gyeonggi Province, Seoul, Incheon and the central government since 2015.   5. Illegal Welfare Facility Operations Uncovered in Gyeonggi (0926) The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness recently uncovered a number of welfare facilities that engaged in illegal operations. ► Welfare Foundation, Gapyeong County Tour buses arrive one after another at the parking lot of a building. Carrying large suitcases, passengers then enter the building. The corridors are lined with numbered guest room doors. In each room, an information sheet that includes checkout time is posted on the wall. Appearing to be a hotel, this is actually a residential welfare facility for seniors. The owner of this operation has been profiting illegally by operating a hotel under the guise of a senior welfare facility. [Sync] “This is serious. You can’t just raid a social welfare facility like this.” “Even if you say that, we are only doing our jobs and can give you no other answer than we have already given.” The facility staff member persistently challenges the inspectors. ► 11 Illegal Facility Operators Apprehended The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness apprehended 11 such illegal social welfare facility operators. A childcare center director who falsified teacher employment contracts and embezzled local government subsidies was among the apprehended. ► Kim Yeong-su, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness Superintendent “Social welfare funds account for one third of the overall provincial budget. Illegal embezzlement of these funds and illegal social welfare facility operations directly result in a reduction in the quality of welfare services received by residents.” ► Violators Sent to Prosecution The 11 offenders were charged with violations of the Social Welfare Act and Public Health Control Act and sent to prosecution. Gyeonggi Province will expand the subject range of these investigations which began this past March.   6. Gyeonggi to Host Semiconductor-related Technology Development Center (190927) Gyeonggi Province will become home to a technology development center of Lam Research, a world-leading semiconductor equipment enterprise. Tentatively titled ‘Korea Technology Center’, this facility is expected to contribute to the localization of semiconductor-related equipment. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (September 27) Signing of Gyeonggi – Lam Research Investment MOU On September 27, Gyeonggi Province and Lam Research signed an investment MOU for the establishment of this center. Lam Research is a leading supplier of equipment and services for semiconductor wafer production. Undertaken with an initial investment of approximately KRW 60 billion, the Korea Technology Center will develop semiconductor production equipment. ► Gyeonggi to Become Home to World’s Largest Semiconductor Technology Cluster When this center is completed, Gyeonggi Province will become home to the world’s largest semiconductor technology cluster, one that also encompasses Samsung Electronics and SJ Hynix. ► 300+ New Jobs In addition to creating more than 300 new jobs, this semiconductor technology development center will increase the localization of related equipment. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Increasing localization is important for the Korean economy as well as for the economy of Gyeonggi Province. Lam Research’s decision on invest in Gyeonggi is welcomed not only by Korea but also by Gyeonggi Province.” ► Timothy M. Archer, CEO, Lam Research Corporation “Gyeonggi Province is home to possibly 65 percent of semiconductor-related businesses in Korea. And we are very excited to be part of this community.” The domestic semiconductor equipment industry responded positively. ► Korean Semiconductor Equipment Enterprise Employee (Voice Modulated) "In a sense, the establishment of the [Korea Technology Center] may be timely and the localization of components may increase the sales market…” Gyeonggi Province will form a dedicated team and provide the Korea Technology Center with support for various administrative procedures. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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