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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Former Industrial Region in Gunpo to Be Transformed into R&D Innovation Hub
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-01-10
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Former Industrial Region in Gunpo to Be Transformed into R&D Innovation Hub (1230) Gyeonggi Province recently announced that it will transform a former industrial region in Gunpo (군포) City into an innovative R&D hub with comprehensive research, cultural, residential and commercial facilities. ► Development Site, Gunpo City This former industrial area of 182,000 square meters has been left unoccupied since resident factories vacated the area in 2006 for relocation to other regions. ► Selected as Industrial Region Development Promotion Trial Project by Korean Government This announcement follows the selection of this project as an industrial region development promotion trial project by the central government. ► ‘Gunpo Convergence and Complex R&D Innovation Hub’ Titled ‘Convergence and Complex R&D Innovation Hub’, this project will be implemented jointly by Gyeonggi Province, Gunpo (군포) City and the Korea Land and Housing Corporation. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (December 27) Cooperation Agreement for Former Gunpo Industrial Region Development Promotion Trial Project On December 27, the three authorities signed an agreement to cooperate in the realization of this project. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I hope that this project will be implemented swiftly and successfully and become a milestone for other industrial regions throughout Gyeonggi Province.” ► Gunpo City Mayor Han Dae-hui “Gunpo (군포) City will do its utmost to develop this area as a new space for innovation and change through collaboration with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.” ► Byeon Chang-heun, President, Korea Land and Housing Corporation “Regarding project details, we will work closely with Gyeonggi Province and Gunpo (군포) City to identify what functional components can better contribute to regional development and to reflect the findings (in actual the project) as much as possible.” According to this cooperation agreement, Gyeonggi Province will provide administrative support, Gunpo (군포) City will undertake the preparation of industrial area management plans and the processing of building permits as well as the inducement of enterprises and academic and research institutes, while the Korea Land and Housing Corporation will act as project overseer. Groundbreaking for the Gunpo (군포) Convergence and Complex R&D Innovation Hub is slated for the end of 2022.   2. ‘Gyeonggi Province Farmers’ Day’ Ceremony (1230) On December 30, a ceremony marking Gyeonggi Province Farmers’ Day was held at the Gyeonggi Agricultural Research and Extension Services. During the ceremony, Gyeonggi Province Farmer and Fisherman Awards, the most prestigious awards in the agricultural and fishery fields of the province, were presented. Thirteen farmers and fishermen, who had exemplary performances and contributed to local society, received awards.   3. Changes in Gyeonggi Province Policies in 2020 (1231) In 2020, Gyeonggi Province will launch traveling laborer support policies, bolster its tax delinquency management teams, and expand operating room CCTV system installations to private medical institutes. GTV examined the details of the changes in Gyeonggi Province policies this year. ▶ Job Interview Cost Support for Youths This year, Gyeonggi Province will provide youths of 18 to 34 years of age who are experiencing significant difficulties in finding employment with job interview cost support of KRW 35,000 up to six times annually. ► Park Jae-won, College Student (Senior) “Although it is not a large amount, it helps youths greatly. So I think it is a very good policy.” ▶ Expansion of Gyeonggi Youth Laborer Bank Account Recipients The former Gyeonggi Province Working Youth Bank Account will be renamed as the Gyeonggi Province Youth Laborer Bank Account and the number of recipients will be increased from 2,000 to 5,000. ► Park Won-yeol, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Youth Support Team “There are many youths experiencing hard times due to difficulties in finding employment. We will expand youth policies so as to boost their morale and give encouragement…” ▶ Establishment of Resting Facilities for Traveling Laborers Gyeonggi Province will actively establish and operate resting facilities in strategic locations for traveling laborers, such as delivery and driver service employees. ▶Expansion of Tax Delinquency Management Team The province will also increase the number of Tax Delinquency Management Team members by 500 this year to 1,700 so as to realize tax fairness while creating more jobs. ▶ Operating Room CCTV Installation Cost Support for Private Medical Institutes This year, Gyeonggi Province will expand operating room CCTV installations to private medical institutes through the provision of installation cost support of KRW 30 million for each institute that chooses to install the system.   4. ‘Gyeonggi-style Regionally Balanced Industrial Complex Development’ (1231) On December 26, the heads of Gyeonggi Province, Pyeongtaek (평택) City, Paju (파주) City, and the Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation signed a ‘Gyeonggi-style Regionally Balanced Industrial Complex Development’ agreement. ‘Balanced development’ in this case refers to the use of development profits from one industrial complex for the development of industrial complexes in other regions. This agreement enables part of the profits from the new Pyeongtaek (평택) Industrial Complex to be invested in Beopwon (법원) 1 Industrial Complex in Paju (파주) City. At the signing ceremony, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) expressed his hope that this case will become a model for balanced national development.   5. Gyeonggi Province New Year Kick-off Meeting (0102) The Gyeonggi Province New Year Kick-off Meeting was held at the province’s Fire and Disaster Headquarters. During the meeting, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) emphasized the importance of firefighters in protecting lives and ensuring safety. ► Gyeonggi Province Fire and Disaster Headquarters (Jenuary 2) 2020 Gyeonggi Province Annual Kick-off Meeting During the meeting, Governor Lee and officials of the Fire and Disaster Headquarters played yutnori (윷놀이), a traditional Korean board game, using four sticks individually inscribed with the words Fairness, Welfare, Peace and Safety. ► Gyeonggi Province’s 2020 Fortune: Evil Turns into Blessings When Gyeonggi Province’s fortune for 2020 was determined by a toss of the sticks to be ‘Evil Turns into Blessings’, Governor Lee stated that, just as a crisis can be an opportunity, officials can make things better if they work hard. ► Gyeonggi Province’s 2nd Annual Kick-off Meeting at Fire and Disaster Headquarters During the annual kick-off meeting, Governor Lee stated that protecting lives and ensuring safety is the most important mission of a government. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Lives and safety are of utmost importance when it comes to government duty. Firefighters are at the forefront in fulfilling this duty. That means you are working in the most important public office.” Governor Lee also stated that the authority of a public official is only granted for a given time and that their office is mandated by the people. ► “Public Officials Must Exercise Authority Fairly and Transparently” He added that the most important role of a public official is to maintain fairness and transparency, enabling the people of the nation to have foreseeable hope. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Our responsibility is to administer fairly. Every one of you has authority. Exercising that authority fairly not only is our responsibility but also eventually determines the destiny of our nation.” Governor Lee asked officials to be assured that the destiny of future generations and Korea depends on them.   6. South Suwon Fire Office Opens (0102) On January 2, the South Suwon Fire Office, covering the Gwonseon-gu (권선구) and Paldal-gu (팔달구) areas of Suwon (수원) City, opened with an official ceremony. Located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Gyeonggi Province Fire and Disaster Headquarters, this fire office is responsible for the safety of more than 580,000 residents in these areas. The opening ceremony was attended by Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor Kim Hee-kyeum (김희겸), provincial and city legislators, and related personnel including volunteer firefighter association representatives. Established in 1996, the South Suwon Fire Office was merged with the Central Suwon Fire Office in 2009 and has been operating as part of the Suwon Fire Office. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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