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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi to Develop Idle Public Lands as Vegetable Gardens for Urban Residents
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-01-17
Greetings, everyone,thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiantthisthe newsGyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi to Develop Idle Public Lands as Vegetable Gardens for Urban Residents (200107-1) Gyeonggi Province recently announced its plan to develop publicly owned idle lands in the province, including those reserved for public utilization, as vegetable gardens for useurban residents. ► Heungdeok District Gyeonggi Vegetable Gardens, Yongin City Developed last year on a 14,000 square-meter site in Yongin (용인) City, these provincial vegetable gardens are usedmore than 2,000 residents. ►Gwanggyo Gyeonggi Vegetable Gardens, Suwon City Other provincial vegetable gardens in Suwon City provide local children with ecological experiences. Encouragedtheir popularity, Gyeonggi Province plans to supply an even greater number of vegetable gardens this year. ► Additional Vegetable Garden Lots to Be Developed in Hwaseong, GimpoGoyang The new provincial vegetable gardens are located in the cities of Hwaseong (화성) Gimpo (김포)Goyang (고양). ► New Vegetable Garden Lots of 64,000m2 to Serve 10,000+ Users With a total area of more than 64,000 square meters, these new garden lots can serve more than 10,000 s in the province. ► Dong Jeong-suk, Gyeonggi Vegetable Garden User, Hwaseong City “The greatest benefitthat residents can eat fresh vegetables. Eating vegetables grownthemselvesalso an additional enjoyment.” These vegetable garden lots are available to residents of Gyeonggi Province, both individualsgroups. Users will also be provided with a farming consultation serviceinvited to food-sharing events. ► Min Gyeong-rok, Gyeonggi Province New Growth Agriculture Team Official “ItGyeonggi Province’s intent to return idle provincial landsuspended development sites to residents so as to enhance the value of the agricultural industrycommunitiesto ensure quality of life for residents …” ► Applications for Gyeonggi Provincial Vegetable Gardens: share.gg.go.kr / ☎031-250-2735 Applications for Gyeonggi provincial vegetable gardens can be madeFebruary via the designated website orcalling the Gyeonggi agroFood Institute.   2. Gyeonggi to Refine Public Office Terminology (200107-2) Gyeonggi Province recently announced that it will refine public office terminologyreplacing 114 official terms, such as those that are loanwords or can be improved, with more appropriate terms. Among official terms used in publicprivate documents, there are many originatingforeign languages or unnecessarily difficult Chinese characters. Gyeonggi Province has ed 114 such termswill replace them with more appropriate alternatives. GTV examined some of these terms [CG] Those terms deriveddifficult Chinese characters will be replaced with easier terms those originatingother foreign languages will be replaced with Korean terms. Also, rigid terms will be replaced with common deions. For example, ‘preceding superior case’ will be replaced‘exemplary case’‘widow’ with ‘late Mr X’s wife’. The new terms will be recommended topublic offices in the province for usethis year.   3. Gyeonggi Launches NGO Support Program (200107-3) Gyeonggi Province launched a public service support program for NGOs this year. Those NGOs that are legally supportedthose already receiving provincial subsidies are excluded. Qualifying organizations will be provided with support rangingKRW 3 million to KRW 50 million. Applications are being received via a related websiteby mail as well as in person at related officesJanuary 13 to 23. On January 9, the province held an introductory briefing on this program.   4. Gyeonggi Governor Assures Maximum Support for Northeastern Gyeonggi Regions (200108-3) On January 7, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) attended the New Year’s Kick-off Meeting at the East Gyeonggi Commercial Chamberassured maximum financialadministrative support for northeastern Gyeonggi regions. Governor Lee also assured utmost efforts to a fair environment for businesspeople in these regions. This meeting featured more than 200 participants including nationalprovincial assembly membersthe mayors of Namyangju (남양주) CityGuri (구리) City as well as the director of the East Gyeonggi Commercial Chamber.   5. Gyeonggi Targets Firefighting Helicopter Mobilization Within 30 Minutes (200108-3) Last year, Gyeonggi Province saw 172 wild fires, accounting for 26 percent of the national total. However, thanks to firefighting helicopters, the total area damaged amounted to only 1 percent of the national total. This year, through the operation of 20 helicopters in 20 localities, the province has initiated a “golden time” tem that targets the arrival of firefighting helicopters at fires within 30 minutes.   6. Winter Shelters for Mobile Laborers in Gyeonggi (200108-1) Last summer, Gyeonggi Province operated summer shelters for mobile laborers including mail carrierscouriers. The province will now operate winter shelters for such laborers at more than 240 locations including public facilitiesfire stations. ► Mobile Laborer Winter Shelter, South Suwon Fire Station With a new heaterdrinking water, the resting area in this fire station was transformed into a winter shelter for mobile laborers such as mail carrierscouriers. Users can also request medical checkupsqualified rescue personnel. Following the operation of summer shelters for mobile laborers last year, Gyeonggi Province has undertaken the operation of winter shelters for these traveling service employees. ► 241 Winter Shelters for Mobile Labors Open These winter shelters were opened at 241 locations, including the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complexfire stations,utilizing existing resting facilitiesopen spaces including lobbies. ► Son Il-gwon, Director, Gyeonggi Province Labor Policy Division “These individuals work in harsh condition during winter in subzero temperaturescold winds. In order to provide them with resting places …” Gyeonggi Province also operates shelters for driving service employees at strategic locations in the cities of Suwon, (수원), Seongnam (성남), Gwangju (광주)Hanam (하남) so as to a fair society in which laborrespected.   7. Gyeonggi Begins Investing in Revivals (0109-1) When a new business fails, itoften unable to re-start due to difficult market environments. In order to help such businesses with their revival efforts, Gyeonggi Province will operate a revival fund. ► ‘With Wave’, Suwon City With annual sales of several KRW billion, this enterprise manufactures radio components used in mobile phones5G communication devices. It exports these components to more than 10 countries. This prospering enterpriseruna founder who failed in his first attempt at this business. Despite initial challenges, he succeeded in his revival efforts with the help of Gyeonggi Province, securing business spaceequipment. ► Lee Yong-gu, CEO, With Wave “I think what makes revival difficultfinancing. If financial supportprovided based on technical evaluations instead of letting the founder take sole financial responsibility, it will have significant promotional effects on that business.” ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (January 9) Singing of Cooperation Agreement for Gyeonggi Revival Investment Cooperative Establishment Gyeonggi Province recently established an investment cooperative through which it will directly invest in the revival of businesses. ► KRW 15 Billion Fund Established Investments will be drawna fund of KRW 15 billion provideda fund operator, financial institutesuniversities. Seventy percent of the funds will be invested in SMEs with KRW 8 billion invested in revivals. ► Lee So-chun, Director, Gyeonggi Province Special Enterprise Support Division “We have made regulatory arrangements to enable investments in post-startupspre-closures instead of post-closures.” This fund will operate for eight years until 2027. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We will do our utmost to make this policy a successto increase the amount of the funds to one digit greaternext time so as to give hope to youthsthose who attempt revivals.” Gyeonggi Province’s revival funds are expected to initiate a virtuous cycle of startups in which revived companies produce significant results. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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