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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Continues Inter-Korean Peace Efforts Despite Difficult Circumstances
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-01-24
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Continues Inter-Korean Peace Efforts Despite Difficult Circumstances (0113-1) On January 13, Gyeonggi Province announced that it will pursue inter-Korean peace and cooperation programs including the resumption of the Gaeseong (개성) Tour and the development of a tree nursery in Gaepung (개풍). ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (January 13) Announcement of 2020 Gyeonggi Inter-Korean Peace and Cooperation Programs Making this announcement at a press conference, Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Hwa-yung (이화영) stated that the province will pursue its own peace and cooperation policies despite soured inter-Korean relations. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Hwa-yung “With the current inter-Korean relational situation having become difficult, Gyeonggi Province has been leading in the opening of an inter-Korean peace and cooperation era and has achieved results, some of which other autonomous bodies and even the central government could not achieve.” ▲ Province-wide Petition-signing Campaign for Gaeseong Tour Realization Among other items, Gyeonggi Province will pursue the resumption of the Gaeseong (개성) Tour as a top priority, beginning with a province-wide petition-signing campaign for government approval. ▲ Gaepung Tree Nursery Development The province will also begin talks with North Korean authorities regarding tree nursery development in Gaepung (개풍), a project that has been exempted from North Korean sanctions by the United Nations. The province will pursue this not simply as humanitarian support but as an inter-Korean cooperation project. ▲ Exemption of Rural Development Trial Projects from Sanctions to be Pursued The province will also pursue the exemption of rural development trial projects from North Korean sanctions, as well as the peaceful utilization of Han River watersheds and the joint development of a peace park. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Hwa-yung “I believe that the time has come for local governments to exercise their autonomy and undertake initiatives to the fullest extent. Gyeonggi Province’s pursuit of peace and cooperation policies will continue in 2020.” As an inter-Korean support policy operator designated by the central government, Gyeonggi Province is expected to play a leading role in the thawing of chilled inter-Korean relations.   2. yeonggi to Protect Joseon Dynasty’s Royal Umbilical Cord Enshrinements (0114-1) During Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, there was a tradition of enshrining the umbilical cords of newborn princes and princesses at carefully selected, auspicious sites. Gyeonggi Province launched a project for the protection of such sites as cultural assets. ► King Jungjong’s Umbilical Cord Enshrinements, Gapyeong County This is the umbilical cord enshrinement of King Jungjong (중종), the 11th king of the Joseon Dynasty. The umbilical cord is kept in a stone jar 1.5 meters high and 1 meter in diameter; it is surrounded by stone guardrails and protective stonework. Initially referred to as an umbilical cord chamber, such sites were later decorated with stonework and referred to as enshrinements when the owners were enthroned. This particular enshrinement was destroyed during the Japanese occupation but restored in 1987. ► Choi Geun-rak, Gapyeong County Curator “The umbilical cord enshrinement of King Jungjong has a significant meaning for Gapyeong County since it was separated from the preceding county and become an independent autonomy when it became the host of the enshrinement.” Royal umbilical cord enshrinements are a unique aspect of Korean traditional culture. However, a large number of such sites disappeared during the Japanese occupation and in the course of modern-day developments. ► Gyeonggi Examines 25 Royal Umbilical Cord Enshrinement Sites Recent examinations revealed that, out of 25 known royal umbilical cord enshrinements, 13 have been preserved or designated as local historical relics, 7 have been lost completely, and 5 are missing due to the uncertainty of their locations. ► Jang Yeong-geun, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau “Gyeonggi Province will preserve and hand down these cultural heritages through careful management in a characteristic Gyeonggi style.” Gyeonggi Province will protect these royal umbilical cord enshrinements through cultural asset designation while continuing the search for the five undiscovered locations.   3. 67% of Gyeonggi Medical Center Patients Support Endorse Room CCTV Systems (0114-2) A recent survey of six Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center hospitals revealed that 67 percent of all patients who underwent operations during the period from October of 2018 to December of 2019 agreed to have their operations recorded by operating room CCTV systems. This is 13 points higher than the 54 percent agreement rate of the period immediately after system installation. Gyeonggi Province will continue to expand the installation of operating room CCTV systems to prevent medical malpractice and to protect the rights of patients.   4. Gyeonggi to Reform R&D Support Programs (0115-1) Gyeonggi Province recently announced that it will significantly reform R&D support programs so as to enhance the fairness and transparency of program implementation through the transparent disclosure of evaluation results and the permanent exclusion of subjects that utilize support inappropriately. ► Ajou University Optical-Medical Convergence Technology Research Center Designated as a regional cooperative research institute by Gyeonggi Province in 2016, this institute conducts research on the fusion of optical and medical technologies. Through joint efforts by university researchers and SMEs, and thanks to Gyeonggi Province’s R&D support, the institute has developed a plasma sterilizer prototype and is currently preparing clinical tests for a surgery scar-removing LED device. ► Kim Sang-in, Director, Ajou University Optical-Medical Convergence Technology Research Center There aren’t many R&D support programs. Especially for research by private enterprises in the intermediate stages between initial development and final product design. This support program helps research efforts exactly in those stages.” ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (January 14) Announcement of R&D and Regional Cooperative Research Institute Support Improvement Gyeonggi Province’s fair and transparent R&D support reform aims to help researchers work without financial restraints. ▲ Transparent Evaluation The most notable improvement will be the enhancement of transparency through the disclosure of project evaluation results. Evaluations will also be enhanced by increasing the number of evaluators in the evaluation pool to 2,000. Other enhancements include the computerization of technology development processes. ▲ Fixed Fees to be Replaced with Fees for Successful Developments Fees will be paid only for successful developments instead of the previous fixed fee rate of 10 percent. ▲ Inappropriate Support Use a Permanent Disqualifier from Further Support Those institutes that inappropriately use support will be permanently disqualified from any further support. ► Lim Mun-yeong, Director, Gyeonggi Province Future Growth Policy Division “I am certain that this R&D support improvement will strengthen the fairness and transparency that are being pursued by the current Gyeonggi provincial administration while helping to realize a virtuous R&D ecological cycle.” Through fair and transparent support, Gyeonggi Province aims to realize a virtuous ecological cycle in R&D that will serve as a foundation for the 4th Industrial Revolution.   5. Korea-Gyeonggido Inc. Achieves Record Sales of KRW 10 Billion in 2019 (0115-2) Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated, a provincial organization that aids SMEs with marketing, product design and advertisement support, achieved sales of KRW 10 billion last year, the highest such figure and the first surplus in its history. ► Manufacturer of Educational Tools for Children, Suwon City This company, a manufacturer of educational devices for children using augmented reality software, was able to achieve sales of KRW 200 million with online and offline marketing support from Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated. ► Hwang Yeong-jin, President of Educational Device Manufacturer “Our sales were extremely low. However, we are now consistently realizing monthly sales of KRW several million …” ► Air Purifier Manufacturer, Seongnam City This small enterprise had been unable to invest in advertisement due to heavy R&D expenditures. After receiving support from Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated, its sales increased three-fold. ► Park Seon-yeong, President of Air Purifier Enterprise “We received support for video ads as well as advertisement opportunities. It helps us significantly.” ► Korea-Gyeonggido Incoporated Achieves Record Sales of KRW 10 Billion By assisting SMEs with marketing, product design and advertisement, Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated achieved sales of KRW 10 billion last year, its highest sales results to date. ► Year-on-Year Sales Increased More Than 3-Fold, Turning a Profit for the First Time This amount is more than three times greater than that of the previous year, marking Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated’s first net profit. ► Lee Seok-hun, President, Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated “Our sales increased through commercials and promotion via TV shopping channels, and we also opened a new business overseas. These efforts, I believe, led to our record sales.” Korea-Gyeonggido Incorporated will expand its support to assist more than 200 SMEs with their overseas launches.   6. KINTEX Exhibition Hall 3 Construction Plan Receives Green Light (0116) Construction plans for Exhibition Hall 3 of KINTEX in Goyang (고양) City recently passed the preliminary feasibility study by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, giving the green light for the development of KINTEX as a world-class exhibition center. ► KINTEX Exhibition Center, Goyang City Established jointly by the Korean central and local governments as a major trade hub of Asia, KINTEX is Korea’s largest international exhibition and convention center with the total area of Exhibition Halls 1 and 2 amounting to 100,000 square meters. ► Jeong Da-un and Han Ji-in, Visitors from Gimpo City “This is my favorite place to visit since there are diverse exhibitions that I can enjoy whenever I come. I hope that there will be more exhibition facilities and a greater variety of events.” ► KINTEX (January 15) Joint Announcement and Signing of KINTEX Exhibition Hall 3 Construction Agreement On January 15, following the passage of construction plans for Exhibition Hall 3 by the central government, Gyeonggi Province, Goyang (고양) City and KOTRA jointly announced the plans and agreed to cooperate in their implementation, an event that has long been awaited by the domestic MICE industry. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “This is also a project that is essential for balanced northern and southern provincial development as well as for inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. The three related authorities will do their utmost to implement this project in due time.” ► Exhibition Hall 3 to Encompass 70,000 m2 Exhibition Hall 3 will be constructed on a 70,000 square-meter-site adjacent to Exhibition Halls 1 and 2. ► Estimated Construction Cost of KRW 489.1 Billion This project carries an estimated cost of more than KRW 480 billion, which will be drawn from national and provincial funds. ► Groundbreaking Slated for 2021 for Completion in 2024 Construction work will begin next year with the opening of the hall slated for 2024. ► Annual Economic Ripple Effects of KRW 6.4 Trillion and Creation of 30,000+ Jobs Expected When completed, Exhibition Hall 3 is expected to have annual economic ripple effects of KRW 6.4 trillion and to create more than 30,000 new jobs. With this world-caliber exhibition center, northern Gyeonggi is expected to become a center of high added-value industries as well as a hub of global exhibitions and conventions. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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