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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi COVID-19 Response Team Regular Briefing of March 16
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-03-27
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi COVID-19 Response Team Regular Briefing of March 16 (0316-1) There have been more than 70 confirmed COVID-19 cases identified among church groups in Gyeonggi Province. During its regular briefing on March 16, Gyeonggi’s COVID-19 Response Team urged churches to comply with guidelines so as to avoid group infections. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (March 16) Gyeonggi Province COVID-19 Response Team Briefing As of March 16, there were 256 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Gyeonggi. ► 256 COVID-19 Cases in Gyeonggi as of March 16 Among these, there were 46 new cases including those stemming from a group infection among the members of a church in Seongnam (성남) City. ► Gyeonggi Intensifies Prevention of Transmission via Religious Activities This church was forced to close and investigations are currently underway regarding the infection sources of each individual and the persons with whom they have had contact. Despite recommendations to change religious service modes, group infections continue to occur at some churches including those in the cities of Bucheon (부천), Suwon (수원) and Seongnam (성남). ► Lee Hui-yeong, Joint Chief, Gyeonggi Province COVID-19 Response Team “Despite the request we made last week for churches to comply with guidelines to prevent group infections, our investigation revealed that 619 locations, or 23.5 percent, failed to comply with one or more guidelines.” The response team official also revealed plans to operate Gyeonggi-type treatment centers for mild cases. ► Treatment Center for Mild Cases Opens in Yongin City The first of these centers was established in Yongin (용인) City. Gyeonggi Province will expand the operation of these centers to facilitate the physical and psychological recovery of patients. Movement information pertaining to patients will be disclosed in accordance with health authority guidelines and in line with legal and privacy requirements. ► Lee Hui-yeong, Joint Chief, Gyeonggi Province COVID-19 Response Team “Anxiety and fear continue among residents while medical personnel and officials are suffering from fatigue. Although we are all experiencing difficult times, I hope that we can overcome this crisis together by considering and caring for each other.”   2. Gyeonggi Helps Farmers Affected by COVID-19 (0317-2) In Korea, farms that supply ingredients for school meals are facing difficulties since the beginning of the school year has been postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. To help these farmers, Gyeonggi Province organized a sales event that saw very successful results. ► Cucumber Farm, Yongin City This cucumber farm has been supplying its products to schools. However, with schools closed, the farm had to sell its products to market merchants at prices that were below cost. ► Strawberry Farm, Yongin City This strawberry farm faced a similar situation. Since the farm had no option but to sell its strawberries while they were fresh, it was selling them at less than half of normal prices. ► Choi Jin-gon, Strawberry Farmer, Yongin City “I have been growing strawberries according to annual plans based on previous years. With no where to sell them now, I am completely lost. Monetary losses are one thing, but I have no way to dispose of the strawberries...” ► Eco-friendly Vegetable Package Sale Event Working with the Gyeonggi agroFood Institute and Gyeonggi Province Ecofriendly Agricultural Association, the province held a sales event that offered mixed packages of these eco-friendly farm products at low prices. ► Gyeonggi Governor Personally Promotes Farm Product Consumption Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) also personally promoted these products via social networking services. ► One Week’s Sales Supply Sold Out in 2 Hours During the event, more than 7,000 packages, equivalent to a week’s sales supply, sold out in just two hours. ► Kang Wi-won, President, Gyeonggi agroFood Institute “As a public organization, we thought about how we could help these farms. We have never tried this before, but we gave it chance, believing in the power of the unity of related organizations.” Consumers who purchased the packages also actively participated in the event by uploading consumer reviews and encouraging messages via social networking services.   3. Gyeonggi’s First Case of Public Development Profit Return to Residents (0313-1) On March 12, Gyeonggi Province, Namyangju (남양주) City and the Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation signed an agreement for the reinvestment of the profits from Dasan (다산) New Town development for the benefit of Gyeonggi residents, the first initiative of its kind in Gyeonggi Province. The planned Dasan (다산) New Town is situated in northeastern Gyeonggi. ► Dasan New Town Development Project This development project, which is estimated to cost a total of KRW 4.5 trillion, is expected to contribute to the balanced development of southern and northern regions of the province. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (March 12) Agreement for Dasan New Town Regional Profit Sharing The basic principle of this agreement is to return Dasan (다산) New Town development profits to the residents of the province. ► First Time Public Housing Development Profits Returned to Gyeonggi Residents This is the first case of profit return from a public development project to Gyeonggi residents. In this instance, the profits are projected to amount to approximately KRW 433 billion. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “Since the sole purpose of this policy is to return benefits to the residents of Gyeonggi Province and Namyangju City, I hope that all parties involved will cooperate with each other in resolving issues and realizing the development of northeastern Gyeonggi region.” ► Returned Profits to Be Utilized for Local Affairs Profits returned from Dasan (다산) New Town development will be used for the resolution of local issues in Namyangju City including those regarding transportation and the environment. ► Namyangju City Mayor Cho Gwang-hyeon “We will work together and realize good results in all fields including housing, roads and urban environments.” ► Lee Heon-uk, President, Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation “I am very pleased that we can do something that local residents want, something that is substantially beneficial for the region.” Gyeonggi Province and Namyangju (남양주) City will focus on administrative support while the Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation will undertake the implementation of the project and the ution of expenses.   4. Gyeonggi Issues First COVID-19-related Administrative Order to Religious Organizations (0318-2) At a press conference on March 17, Gyeonggi Province announced the issuance of its first administrative order to religious facilities that have not complied with COVID-19 prevention guidelines. While the overall increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Korea is slowing, group infections continue to occur in Seoul and Gyeonggi regions. ► Church Gatherings Lead to Large Group Infections Ignoring these guidelines, some churches still held gatherings that resulted in group infections, thus becoming the subject of social condemnation. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (March 17) Announcement of Administrative Order Banning Religious Gatherings To address this issue, Gyeonggi Province issued its first administrative order affecting such facilities. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Administrative Affairs Kim Hee-kyeum “We are issuing this order in accordance with Article 49 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act.” ► 130 Non-complying Churches Subject to Gathering Prohibition Subject to this order are more than 130 church facilities that did not comply with any of the seven infection prevention guidelines, including the use of masks and on-site provision of hygiene products. They will be prohibited from holding gatherings until March 29. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Administrative Affairs Kim Hee-kyeum “To reiterate, this is not an infringement of the freedom of religion but an inevitable measure for the safety and protection of residents from an infectious disease.” Religious facilities that violate this order will be subject to a fine of up to KRW 3 million.   5. Hand-made Mask Donations Warm Hearts of Neighbors in Gyeonggi (0313-3) While Koreans are experiencing great difficulties purchasing masks, there are those who warm the hearts of others by donating hand-made masks to their neighbors. ► Pocheon City Agricultural Technology Center, Pocheon City (March 11) In this room at the Pocheon (포천) City Agricultural Technology Center, members of a local women’s organization are busy making masks by hand. They plan to make 1,000 masks for distribution to transport workers including taxi drivers and bus drivers. ► Shin Hyeon-suk, Chairperson, Pocheon City Association, Korea Rural Women Leader’s Federation “We began working last Thursday, and I think we will be able to complete making 1,000 masks by Tuesday next week. With the serious shortage of masks these days, we will work through the weekend. We really want to deliver the masks to those who need them soon.” Women’s organization members in Yongin (용인) City also delivered 1,000 hand-made masks to working-class individuals. Such acts of compassion are spreading across the nation.   6. Gyeonggi Seizes Major Tax Delinquents’ Financial Assets of KRW 12 Billion (0318-4) For the first time among the regional authorities of Korea, Gyeonggi Province has investigated all 388 mutual financing cooperatives in the province to identify tax delinquents. Since these cooperatives lack deposit seizure systems, they are frequently used by delinquents to conceal their assets. Through this investigation, financial assets of 3,792 tax delinquents, amounting to more than KRW 12 billion, have been seized. After initially requesting tax payments, the province will take action against those who fail to pay taxes in accordance with related laws. ► Lee Ui-hwan, Director, Gyeonggi Province Tax Justice Division “The province will deal with those who have sufficient funds but refuse to pay taxes, using strong measures such as house searches and asset seizures. However, the province will provide those who truly have financial difficulties with diverse assistance including linkage with financial support programs and social welfare programs.”   7. Northern Gyeonggi Textile Enterprises Participate in Mask Making (0318-3) With mask shortages continuing to be a serious issue in Korea even after the introduction of the ‘designated mask purchasing day by age’ system, textile enterprises in northern Gyeonggi regions began manufacturing masks. ► BANKO Ltd., Scarf Manufacturer, Dongducheon City (March 17) Since March 13, this scarf manufacturer has been producing masks. Another enterprise produces materials for masks instead of its normal knitwear. There are a total of 60 textile enterprises in northern Gyeonggi regions that are participating in the manufacture of masks. ► Kim Hong-jin, CEO, BANKO Ltd. “We started to manufacture masks so as to help overcome the current crisis.” ► Antibacterial Masks Manufactured by Textile Enterprises in Northern Gyeonggi These enterprises are manufacturing masks that can block 99.9 percent of bacteria. ► Daily Production of Up to 210,000 Masks Targeted from March 30 These enterprises target daily production of up to 210,000 masks from March 30. ► Gwon Yeong-hyeon, CEO, Seojin Knit Ltd., Pocheon City “Our company is capable of manufacturing 70,000 to 80,000 masks daily. With another company, we plan to increase daily production from the initial 140,000 masks up to 200,000 masks. Production will start in two or three days.” These antibacterial masks will be sold to approximately 150 organizations for KRW 1,000 each. ► Yu Eung-hyeon, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Specialized Industries Support Team “With masks being very difficult to purchase, we have made this arrangement to supply masks at low prices by encouraging textile enterprises in northern provincial regions to participate in mask manufacturing.” ► Gyeonggi Pursues Production of General-purpose Masks by Hygienic Mask Manufacturers Concurrently, Gyeonggi Province has submitted a proposal to KFDA and the related ministry for regulatory amendments that would allow medical mask manufacturers to produce general-purpose masks. This proposal seeks to utilize medical mask manufacturing facilities that are currently idle due to a lack of necessary filter supplies. When the proposal is approved, up to 790,000 additional masks can be produced in the province. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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