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Gyeonggi Promotes Local Currency Payment Discounts at Small Businesses
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-05-29
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Promotes Local Currency Payment Discounts at Small Businesses (0518-1) In order to help backstreet commerce recover from the impact of COVID-19, Gyeonggi Province plans to provide local currency transaction fee support to small businesses that offer discounts to customers who pay with local currency. ► Motgol Market, Suwon City At this traditional market, notices about a 5 percent discount for purchases made with local currency can be seen at almost every other shop. ► GTV Reporter / Lim Eun-taek, Motgol Market Merchant “I am curious about how many customers are paying with local currency.” / “I would say 60 to 70 percent. The number of customers began to increase about a week ago.” ► Shops Spontaneously Offer 5% Discount on Purchases with Local Currency Shops are spontaneously offering such discounts in response to the growing number of customers paying with local currency, which was received through disaster-related basic income payments from Gyeonggi Province. ► Lee Chung-hwan, President, Motgol Market Merchant Association “We have new patrons thanks to local currency. This includes those who weren’t traditional market goers. We felt that we had to do something ourselves, offer them some benefit and convenience so as to encourage them to regularly visit the market, to promote market businesses in the long run…” Nearly half of the 90 shops in the market are participating in the discount program. ► Gyeonggi to Provide Local Currency Transaction Fee Support Gyeonggi Province decided to provide support to small businesses at traditional markets and on backstreets that offer such discounts so as to cover the full amount of local currency transaction fees. ► Shops Offering 5-10% Discounts to Receive Provincial Support When customers use local currency cards, transaction fees of approximately 0.7 percent are incurred by the businesses. ► Son Yong-seok, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Market Commerce Support Team “While consumers can enjoy an automatic discount of 5 percent at exemplary shops (that promote local currency usage), merchants are compensated by Gyeonggi Province for local currency transaction fees.” This provincial support program will benefit both consumers and shops. This program is also expected to help prevent businesses from charging extra for payments made with local currency.   2. Animal Cruelty Crimes Uncovered in Gyeonggi (0514-2) During a recent crackdown on animal-related illegal business activities, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police uncovered a total of 14 cases including cruel slaughtering methods and unlicensed sales as well as violations of livestock waste regulations. ► In Chi-gwon, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police “Since we are aware that social recognition of animals as companions is spreading, we will continue our investigations of animal-related cruelty and illegal activities.” According to the Animal Protection Act, the use of cruel slaughtering methods is subject to imprisonment for up to 2 years or a fine of up to KRW 20 million, while showcasing or selling pets without a license is subject to a fine of up to KRW 5 million. The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police will send 9 of the apprehended businesses to prosecution.   3. Illegal Pyramid Scheme Operators and Funeral Insurers Apprehended in Gyeonggi (0519-2) The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police recently uncovered a large number of illegal pyramid scheme operators that sold goods valued at billions of Korean won through coerced sales as well as unlicensed funeral insurers that operated pay-later systems instead of installment payment systems. ► 14 Illegal Pyramid Scheme Operators and Funeral Insurers Uncovered Some of these pyramid scheme operators deceived individuals, enticing them to join as salespersons while forcing them to purchase goods. ► Kim Yeong-su, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness “We apprehended 14 individuals in 3 pyramid scheme organizations and sent four of them to prosecution. These individuals used illegal methods to recruit a total of 3,981 salespeople and to sell goods worth KRW 5.8 billion…” ► Sales Made by Recruiting Salespeople and Forcing Them to Purchase Although registered as door-to-door sales businesses, these businesses operated multi-level schemes and coercively sold goods worth KRW 4.4 billion to illegally recruited salespeople. Others sold goods worth KRW 1.4 billion without registering their businesses. These businesses also refused to make refunds to complaining customers. ► Choi Jeong-im, Pyramid Sales Victim “I had no intention to join, but I was lured into a situation where I could not leave without swiping my credit card. When I called them later and asked them to cancel it, they refused. I challenged them, saying that my credit card company had already agreed to the cancellation and asked them why they couldn’t. They gave unclear excuses like the cancellation date having passed…” ► Unregistered Pyramid Schemes Subject to Max. 7-year Imprisonment or KRW 200 Million Fine Operating a multi-level sales system with no registration or false registration as a door-to-door sales business is subject to imprisonment for up to 7 years or a fine of up to KRW 200 million. ► Unregistered Prepaid Funeral Insurance Operators Subject to Max 1-year Imprisonment or KRW 100 Million Fine The apprehended funeral insurance operators included those who operated installment payment systems without complying with legal requirements for depositing 50 percent of the payments received. When registrations were cancelled due to such failures to comply, these companies changed to unregistered pay-later systems. Such violations are subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to KRW 100 million. ► Kim Yeong-su, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness “With economic crimes that victimize the economically vulnerable increasing, we expect the number of illegal pyramid schemes to also increase. We will enforce strict measures against such crimes…” ► Gyeonggi Special Judicial Police to Intensify Investigations and Crackdowns Through intensified investigations of and crackdowns on illegal pyramid schemes and prepaid funeral insurance operators, the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police are doing their utmost to protect the economically vulnerable who are experiencing more difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic.   4. Technical Support Expanded for COVID-19-affected Livestock Industry (0519) The livestock industry in Korea is also suffering due to the impact of COVID-19. With the very survival of the industry at stake due to reduced consumption and the spread of various animal diseases, Gyeonggi Province decided to expand technical support for livestock farms and processing businesses. ► Hwaseong TMR (Cattle Feed Enterprise), Hwaseong City This dairy cattle feed company in Hwaseong (화성) City recently received technical support from the Gyeonggi Province Animal Hygiene Laboratory that helped it to incorporate microorganisms that are essential components of quality animal feed. ► Lee Jong-chan, President, Hwaseong TMR “Cattle productivity improved with the use (of microorganisms). Microorganisms have now become necessary since cattle productivity is reduced without them.” ► Seohae Dairy Farm, Hwaseong City The new quality feeds are receiving good responses from dairy farms. With the addition of microorganisms, foul odors were reduced while cattle became more resistant to contagions such as foot-and-mouth disease. In addition, milk production also increased by more than 10 percent. ► Park Min-gil, Seohae Dairy Farm Owner “I was in a difficult situation with dairy products not selling well and feed prices being a burden. I hope that support programs like this will be expanded nationwide and help maintain good dairy farm environments…” ► Gyeonggi Province Animal Hygiene Laboratory to Expand Technical Support for Livestock Industry This year, the Gyeonggi Province Animal Hygiene Laboratory will provide livestock farms and processing businesses that are experiencing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic with intensive support in various areas including farm quarantine and hygiene as well as microorganism supply. ► Lee Gye-wung, Director, Gyeonggi Province Animal Hygiene Laboratory “We will help livestock farms and livestock processing businesses overcome the hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through the provision of technical support.” The Gyeonggi Province Animal Hygiene Laboratory will maximize the effects of its technical support through cooperation with local governments and the livestock industry.   5. Korea Ceramic Foundation Reopens with Diverse Exhibitions (0520-1) With the spread of COVID-19 slowing, art galleries and museums are beginning to reopen in Korea. In Gyeonggi Province, diverse ceramic exhibitions have opened in the cities of Icheon (이천), Yeoju (여주) and Gwangju (광주). ► Icheon World Ceramic Center (Until May 31) Exhibition of 2019 Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale Prize-winning Works At Icheon (이천) Cerapia, an exhibition of works by last year’s Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale prize winners opened, featuring 250 ceramic works by 42 artists from 18 nations. These works range from realistic depictions of objects to those that convey messages about the global crisis due to the transformation of lifeforms and polluted natural environments, as well as works completed with materials obtained from flea markets. ► Park Byeong-hwi, Viewer from Icheon City “I viewed ceramic artwork. Unlike movies, plays and musicals, the works were static and came in forms I liked.” ► Yeoju World Ceramic Livingware Gallery (Until November 29) ‘Making Colors’ Exhibition At Ceramic World in Yeoju (여주) City, another ceramic exhibition that targets youths in their 20s and 30s is taking place. This exhibition showcases the works of four artists who created pieces in four thematic colors: jade green, millennial pink, ultraviolet and Z-generation yellow. ► Yu Mi-yeon, Curator, Korea Ceramics Foundation “The four artists individually hold exhibitions that showcase works in their own color spectrums. The synergy effects of their works will provide (viewers with) healing energy…” ► Gyeonggi Ceramic Museum (Until December 31) Korean History Seen through Ceramics The exhibition at the Gonjiam (곤지암) Ceramic Park showcases ceramic works that reflect the history of ceramics. These works include blue ceramics of the Goryo (고려) Dynasty and white ceramics of the Joseon (조선) Dynasty as well as modern pieces. ► Jang Ki-hun, Director, Gyeonggi Ceramic Museum, Korea Ceramic Foundation “Our museum was closed for a long time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With social distancing directives having been lifted and changed to distancing in life, we opened all museums and galleries in Yeoju, Icheon and Gwangju on May 12.” For the month of May, the museums and galleries of the Korea Ceramic Foundation will be accessible free of charge.   6. 3 Final Candidates for Gyeonggi Provincial Anthem Lyrics Selected (0521-1) After the use of the previous Gyeonggi provincial anthem was discontinued due to allegations that its writer was pro-Japanese, Gyeonggi Province held an open contest for new lyrics. Out of more than 1,500 entries, the province recently selected three final candidates for which another open contest for music began on May 21. The previous provincial anthem had been in use for decades. ► Use of Previous Gyeonggi Provincial Anthem Discontinued After allegations about the writer of the previous provincial anthem arose, Gyeonggi Province discontinued its use at all official events. ► Jo Byeong-taek, Manager, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation Policy Project Team The musician Lee Hong-ryeol, who participated in the writing of the Gyeonggi Provincial anthem in 1967, is currently facing allegations of being pro-Japanese. We therefore organized events to create a new provincial anthem.” ► Gyeonggi Provincial Anthem to Be Written by Residents This time, the new Gyeonggi provincial anthem will be created by residents. In a recent contest, 1,529 competing entries were received. ► 3 Final Candidates for New Gyeonggi Provincial Anthem Selected Out of 15 semi-finalists selected by specialists, 3 final candidates were selected through evaluations by residents, poets, lyricists and celebrities. ► An Do-hyeon, Evaluator, Poet “Songs written for government use tend to be rigid and are usually used at official events. However, I thought it would be better if the new Gyeonggi provincial anthem was closer to residents and easier to sing.” ► 1,800 Residents Participate in Evaluation Process During the 16-day evaluation process undertaken via a provincial opinion poll website, more than 1,800 Gyeonggi residents participated. ► Contest for Music Begins on May 21 Immediately after the selection of the candidate lyrics, the contest for music began on May 21. ► Open to All Gyeonggi Residents This contest is also open to all Gyeonggi residents. ► Information: Gyeonggi Province Website (www.gg.go.kr) To participate, submit music for one of the 3 final candidates via the Gyeonggi Province website no later than September 28. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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