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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung Proposes 2nd Disaster Relief Payment for All Koreans
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-06-12
, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung Proposes 2nd Disaster Relief Payment for All Koreans (0602-1) While the Korean central government is drawing up its third revised supplementary budget for passage by the National Assembly in June, Gyeonggi Province has proposed that it make a second disaster relief payment. The province suggested an additional disaster relief payment of KRW 200,000 per person, which would require additional funding of KRW 2.66 trillion for all 13.31 million Gyeonggi residents. In this proposal, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) stated that two or three rounds of disaster relief payments would be necessary to achieve ideal economic recovery effects. According to a survey by Korea Credit Data, small businesses in Korea saw year-on-year increases in purchases made by credit cards, indicating that the Korean government’s emergency disaster relief payments have had positive effects on local economic revival.   2. ‘Seoul Beltway’ to Be Renamed ‘Capital Region Beltway 1’ (0603-1) Gyeonggi Province’s proposal to change the name of the Seoul Beltway, or Seoul Suburban Circular Expressway in Korean, a name that implies the areas through which it runs are suburbs of Seoul, was recently approved by the central government. The Seoul Beltway will now be referred to as Capital Region Beltway 1. ► Seoul Beltway, Seongnam City For nearly 30 years, the name of this expressway around Seoul has remained unchanged. Running a total of 128 kilometers through 3 second-tier autonomies and 20 local autonomies, more than 90 percent of the expressway lies outside of Seoul. For this reason, there have been debates regarding the appropriateness of Seoul Beltway as its name. ► Kim Jun-tae, Seongnam City Resident “We felt as if we were buried under Seoul, as if we were subordinates to Seoul. It didn’t feel good.” ► New Name Approved by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport On June 1, the Road Policy Committee of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport approved Gyeonggi Province’s proposal to change the name of this expressway. For more than two years, the province has been pursuing this change through negotiations with the local autonomies through which this expressway passes. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We have sought to change the name of this expressway, which plays a very important role in central Korea, since we believe that it is not right to regard the areas through which it runs as suburbs or outskirts of Seoul. We hope that these areas are respected as autonomous bodies with equal rights and shoulder to shoulder (with Seoul.)” ► June 4 Public Notification Concludes Legal Procedures for Name Change Legal procedures for the name change were completed with the public notification made on June 4. ► Alteration of Name on Traffic Signs and Information Systems to Follow Alteration of the name on traffic signs and information systems will follow soon. The official changing of the previous 29-year-old name to Capital Region Beltway 1 will take place on September 1.   3. Gyeonggi’s ‘Happy Town Office’ System Goes Nationwide (2020.06.01) In old urban areas of Gyeonggi Province, community organizations known as Happy Town Offices are providing local residents with services comparable to those provided by apartment management offices while also offering employment opportunities. This type of community service is now spreading nationwide. ► Happy Town Office, Yeoju City A Happy Town Office in Yeoju (여주) City has recently prepared and delivered packages containing 9 COVID-19 quarantine items, including masks, sanitizers, and thermometers, to more than 300 senior citizen facilities within the district. With free meal centers remaining closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Happy Town Office also delivers food to those in need. ► Kang In-gu, Jeoju City Resident “I am grateful for their services. I am glad I don’t have to cook or go out for grocery shopping since I have a visual disability.” ► Happy Town Office, Hanam City Workers at a Happy Town Office in Hanam (하남) City are disinfecting all local spaces with eco-friendly sterilizers that they made themselves. In addition, pet etiquette campaigns are being carried out to prevent issues stemming from the growing number of residents living with pets. ► Lee Chae-ryeong, Hanam Happy Town Office Personnel “Although we primarily provide assistance with work, many seniors also want company. It is when they express how glad and happy our efforts and chats makes them that we feel most rewarded.” The Happy Town Offices are making significant contributions to their communities by alleviating difficulties for residents. ► 40 Happy Town Offices Operating in 27 Cities and Counties of Gyeonggi Launched in 2018, there are now 40 Happy Town Offices in 27 cities and counties of the province. ► Selected for Resident Life Innovation Project Support by Ministry of Interior & Safety Recognizing these contributions to residents in administrative blind spots through the provision of assistance services as well as Happy Town Guard employment opportunities, the Happy Town Office program was recently selected by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety for community life innovation project expansion support. ► Kim Gi-se, Director General, Gyeonggi Province Self-Governance Bureau “There will be diverse positive effects: administration service quality will be improved, stable jobs will be created, and these jobs will contribute to the local economy and the revival of backstreet commerce through more spending.” The Happy Town Office program of Gyeonggi Province is now expanding beyond the province and will help improve quality of life for residents through customized local activities and play a central role in local communities nationwide.   4. Baegot District of Siheung City Designated as Free Economic Zone (0604) The Baegot (배곧) district of Siheung (시흥) City was recently included in Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone designation. As a result, this district is expected to become an industrial convergence hub on the West Coast with projected economic effects of KRW 7 trillion and 16,000 new jobs. ► Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (June 3) 116th Free Economic Zone Committee Meeting, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy This additional free economic zone designation was decided by the related committee of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. ► Seong Yun-mo, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy “Our evaluation focused primarily on an industry innovation ecosystem to determine the growth potential as a global new industry hub.” ► Addition of Baegot District to Designation Passed Final Review With Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone designation, the Baegot (배곧) district, which covers 0.88 square kilometers, an area equivalent to 123 soccer fields, will be entitled to diverse priority benefits in terms of taxation and regulation. ► Autonomous Vehicle R&D, Education and Medical Industrial Clusters to Be Developed By the year 2027, a total of KRW 1.6 trillion will be invested in this district as part of a 3-phase development plan. Research facilities for autonomous land, marine and aviation vehicles will be pursued in the first phase, infrastructure and medical and bio industry clusters in the second phase, and medical and bio research clusters and landmark tower construction in the third phase. Ideally located for collaboration with universities, national industrial complexes and enterprises, this district will allow the entire development process for autonomous vehicles to be undertaken in one location while further strengthening health and medical infrastructure for general hospital establishment. ► Yang Jin-cheol, Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone Authority Commissioner “The expansion of the Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone through the additional designation of the Baegot district of Siheung City is expected to be a milestone for the advancement of the West Coast as a global new growth industry hub.” The free economic zone development of the Baegot (배곧) district is expected to have economic effects of KRW 7 trillion and to create 16,000 new jobs.   5. Small Business Sales Increase 40% after Disaster-related Basic Income Payment (0604-2) Since Gyeonggi Province began disaster-related basic income payments, sales by small businesses have increased by 40 percent compared to the same period last year, indicating the significant positive effects these payments have had on local economic recovery. ► Hogye Market, Anyang City This dried fish shop in a traditional market received a significant reprieve from COVID-19 hardships as sales increased after Gyeonggi Province began making disaster-related basic income payments. ► Jeong Jeong-eun, Hogye Market Merchant “When the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, few shoppers came to the market because people avoided going out. However, shoppers returned to our market after receiving disaster-related basic income…” ► Affiliated Businesses Enjoy Year-on-Year Increase in Sales Such increased sales were seen at disaster-related basic income-affiliated businesses whose annual sales are below KRW 1 billion. ► “Over 6 Weeks, Sales Increased by 39.7%” Reports Gyeonggi Research Institute According to the Gyeonggi Research Institute, sales by affiliated businesses increased by 39.7 percent on average since Gyeonggi Province began making disaster-related basic income payments. ► Kim Jeong-hun, Director, Gyeonggi Research Institute Strategic Policy Division “According to the results of our survey, disaster-related basic income can be deemed effective not only in terms of welfare, but also for substantially aiding local economic promotion and revival.” It was also found that a disaster-related basic income increase of KRW 10,000 per person will have the effect of increasing credit card sales at affiliated businesses by 10.4 percent, signifying the positive effects of Gyeonggi Province’s disaster-related basic income on local economic recovery. ► Seong Hyeon-suk, Director, Gyeonggi Province Vision Strategy Division “We are currently discussing what can be done by the province to promote consumption after August when disaster-related basic income payments have been completed.” Meanwhile, Gyeonggi Province submitted a proposal to the Korean central government on May 29 for an additional disaster relief payment of KRW 200,000 for each citizen.   6. Inter-Korean Forestry Cooperation Center Opens in Paju City (0604) On June 3, the construction of the Inter-Korean Forestry Cooperation Center, which began on a 4,020-square-meter site in Paju (파주) City last September, was completed. ► Smart Sapling Farm, Inter-Korean Forestry Cooperation Center, Paju City On a sapling farm at the center, mist is sprayed on rows of pine tree saplings. This is a smart farm where temperature and humidity levels are automatically controlled based on predetermined settings. This farm will produce saplings for forest recovery in North Korea. ► Inter-Korean Forestry Cooperation Center Opening Ceremony (June 3) This center will play a role in inter-Korean forestry cooperation. ► 4,020 m2 Tree Nursery with 3-storey Management Building The center consists of smart sapling farms and a 3-storey management building on a 4,020 square-meter site. ► Forest Service Chief Park Jong-ho “The saplings and forestry science technology will become valuable assets that can be used when the two Koreas work together to restore forest ecology on the Korean Peninsula.” In a joint declaration made by the two Koreas on April 27, 2018, forestry cooperation was selected as a priority project. During the opening ceremony, the Korean Unification Minister emphasized the importance of the center, stating that the two Koreas must honor the agreement and expand cooperation. ► Unification Minister Kim Yeon-cheol “South and North must work together in responding to deadly natural disasters and continuing climate change. Forestry cooperation is essential (in such endeavors.)” Gyeonggi Province will continue its efforts to help North Korea with reforestation including the provision of support for the sapling farm in Gaepung (개풍), North Korea. ► Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Jae-gang “Last December, we provided support for the Gaepung Sapling Farm after obtaining approval from the UN for the materials used. With efforts centered in Paju, Gyeonggi will continue to do its utmost and work closely with the Ministry of Unification and the Korea Forest Service to restore forest ecology.” Located in Paju (파주) City close to North Korea, the Inter-Korean Forestry Cooperation Center is expected to help thaw currently frozen relations between the two Koreas. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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