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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi’s Cities & Counties Pursue Innovative Heatwave Countermeasures
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-08-20
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Gyeonggi’s Cities & Counties Pursue Innovative Heatwave Countermeasures (0810-1) Amid ongoing heatwaves, some of the innovative countermeasures implemented by cities and counties of Gyeonggi Province are drawing attention for their originality. There are refrigerators that provide free ice water and bus stops that double as heat shelters, as well as free parasol-lending services. These initiatives are part of efforts by local administrations to ensure public safety in the heat. ◇ Governor Lee Visits Pet Theme Park Construction Site (0810-2) On August 9, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명) visited the Pet Theme Park construction site in Yeoju (여주) City and discussed park operation matters and animal protection policies with project personnel. Slated to open as an educational and cultural complex in March next year, the Pet Theme Park will feature superior animal protection and adoption facilities while contributing to respect-for-life education, pet specialist cultivation and related industry promotion. Gyeonggi Province will pursue the development of the park as a representative pet culture hub of the nation through diverse initiatives including animal adoption and follow-up services as well as animal protection volunteer support. ◇   Governor Lee: Child-rearing and nursing must become national responsibility (0810-3) On August 9, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명) visited the Public Postnatal Care Center in Yeoju (여주) City and commended site personnel on their COVID-19 management efforts. He also emphasized the importance of such services and the role of public postnatal care centers. Opened in 2019, the Yeoju Public Postnatal Care Center is the first public institution in the province to provide diverse programs for new mothers and infants. These programs have been well received by families with newborns in the province. The center offers discounts to single parents and families of individuals with disabilities. ◇ Gyeonggi to Nurture One-Person Creator Education Instructors (0812) Gyeonggi Province is currently receiving applications for an instructor training course in one-person creator education. One-person creators are those who stream content they have created themselves. This course will start in October with 40 trainees who will attend online classes free of charge and be assessed by professional instructors while performing trial instruction. The trainees will also be able to use creator studio facilities free of charge during their training period. ◇ Gyeonggi to Establish More Taxi Driver Rest Facilities (0809) Taxi drivers frequently suffer from fatigue and drowsiness due to long working hours. To improve their working conditions, Gyeonggi Province plans to increase the number of rest facilities for taxi drivers. In addition to the 15 taxi driver shelters established in 14 cities and counties of the province, Gyeonggi will establish 8 additional shelters this year and 19 more by the year 2025. ◇   Gyeonggi Province Develops Fire Hydrant Information System (0811) Illegal parking close to firefighting facilities such as fire hydrants can significantly hamper firefighting efforts. To address this situation, Gyeonggi Province has developed a real-time notification system that offers illegal parking alerts and provides a fire hydrant location service. Utilizing location information for more than 29 thousand fire hydrants in the province, this system enables fire officials from around the nation to immediately identify the nearest fire hydrants in the event of a fire. ◇ Governor Lee Visits Provincial Childcare Center In Paju (0813) While visiting a Child Dolbom (돌봄) Center in Paju (파주) City, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung (이재명) stated that care provision – not just for children but also for patients, individuals with disabilities and seniors – has become a leading social issue. He then emphasized that a better society cannot be realized if care service responsibilities remain in the hands of the private sector. Created to resolve gaps in elementary school student care, Child Dolbom (돌봄) Centers also act as support centers for diverse types of related local facilities. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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