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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Launches Welfare Information App
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-04-23
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Gyeonggi Launches Welfare Information App (0408-4) Gyeonggi Province recently introduced an app that provides the public with information about available welfare programs. The ‘Gyeonggi AlimTalk (알림톡)’ app automatically provides individuals with customized welfare information based on their personal preferences. The province plans to expand app service coverage to include local welfare programs, public recruitment information and more before the end of the year. ◇ Gyeonggi’s Public Delivery App Services to be Expanded to 19 Cities and Counties (0409-4) On April 8, Gyeonggi Province, 9 cities and counties of the province, and the Korea Gyeonggido Company signed an agreement for the expansion of the province’s public delivery app service area. Currently operating in 9 cities and counties, the operation scope of the Delivery Express app will be expanded to a total of 19 cities and counties. After signing the agreement, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) stated that the province will endeavor to make this app a successful model for establishing fairness in this field. ◇ Gyeonggi Women’s Vision Center Offers Free Spaces to Women in 20s for Group Activities (0409-3) In order to help women in their 20s engage in various activities, Gyeonggi Province plans to make spaces in the Gyeonggi Women’s Vision Center freely available for use by these women. Any group of three or more women in their 20s who reside in the province, either college students or those employed, can apply to use the center’s activity spaces. Selected groups will be able to use these spaces for a diverse range activities free of charge. ◇   Gyeonggi to Operate Young Children Personality Development Center (0412) Gyeonggi Province recently announced plans to operate a personality development center for young children at the Gyeonggi North Support Center for Childcare. Titled ‘Gyeonggido Neulpumsup (늘품숲),’ this facility will offer a variety of experiential learning spaces to help children develop desirable behaviors in situations such as those involving public safety and inter-floor noise. This education center will operate on a reservation basis to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Reservations can be made via its website. ◇ Documentary Screening to Commemorate 7th Sewol Ferry Disaster Anniversary (0414) In commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the Sewol Ferry disaster, Gyeonggi Province and the DMZ International Documentary Film Festival will present 7 documentaries on the incident via YouTube. The 7 productions are: Memory of Absence by Lee Seung-jun (이승준), April by Lee Oh-eun (이오은), Blind Film by Oh Jae-hyeong (오재형), Life Goes On by Yang Dong-jun (양동준), April 16 and… by Kim Se-jung (김세정), 599.4 Kilometers by Kim Myo-in (김묘인), and 304 Stars by Yu Si-on (유시온). These documentaries will be available for viewing during a two-week period from 9 a.m. of April 13 until 9 p.m. of April 27 via the festival’s official YouTube channel. ◇ ‘2021 Korea Basic Income Fair’ to Open on April 28 (0415) The 2021 Korea Basic Income Fair, the largest event of its kind in the world, will open for a 3-day run both online and offline on April 28, with offline events taking place at the Korea International Exhibition Center in Goyang (고양) City. Marking its third year, this year’s fair will be the largest in scale to date and focus on the theme of Basic Income in My Life with the participation of 68 scholars from around the world who will discuss related topics online. During a press conference on April 14, National Assembly Member and organizing advisor Jeong Seong-ho (정성호) stated that basic income principles are drawing global interest as policy alternatives during the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic in light of falling employment and sluggish growth rates. He emphasized that now is the time to bring the basic income issue to the table for discussion in preparation for its full-fledged implementation. ◇   27 Virtual & Augmented Reality Enterprises Selected for Gyeonggi Provincial Support (0414) On April 5, Gyeonggi Province announced the results of the 2021 Gyeonggi VR/AR Audition, a virtual and augmented reality enterprise competition for provincial support, and revealed 27 winners. The winning enterprises will participate in the 6th session of the province’s Next Reality Partners Program, which is geared to foster enterprises in related fields. They stand to receive a range of phased support including development financing, 1-on-1 mentoring, company evaluations, online inter-company exchanges, investment inducement activities, and final result presentations. Having allocated a total of KRW 1.45 billion for this program, the province will provide support of KRW 30 million to 11 individual winners for concept planning as well as KRW 70 million to 16 individual winners for commercialization. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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