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Gyeonggi Disaster Basic Income Payments to Foreign Residents Begin on April 1
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-04-09
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Gyeonggi Disaster Basic Income Payments to Foreign Residents Begin on April 1 (0330-4) During the month of April, Gyeonggi Province will be making disaster basic income payments of KRW 100 thousand per person to 570 thousand foreign residents living in the province. This is in accordance with the provincial policy to include all residents who are experiencing economic difficulties due to the prolonged pandemic. Payment applications are being received both online and offline from April 1 to 30 2021 Korea Basic Income Fair Opens Online (0401-3) With the 2021 Korea Basic Income Fair slated to run for 3 days from April 28 to 30, a website featuring a related 3D exhibition hall and event information opened on April 1. Visitors to this online exhibition hall can examine important provincial initiatives that are geared to realize the basic economic rights of residents including basic income, local currency, and basic housing policies. Detailed exhibition information can be found on the event website. ◇ All Sections of Hanam Rail Line Now Open (0330-1) On March 27, all sections of Gyeonggi Province’s Hanam (하남) Rail Line were fully opened, marking the beginning of a new era for Gyeonggi rail systems. Extending from Sangildong (상일동) Station in Seoul, this rail line runs 7.7 kilometers through four stations to Geomdansan (검단산) Station in Hanam (하남) City. Hanam (하남) Rail Line construction work began in 2015 with the first 4.7-kilometer section between Sangildong (상일동) Station in Seoul and Pungsan (풍산) Station in Hanam (하남) City having opened this past August. With the completion of the remaining 3-kilometer section, the entire Hanam (하남) Rail Line is now open. ◇   21 Unlicensed Lenders and Brokers Apprehended in Gyeonggi (0331-1) The Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police recently apprehended 21 unlicensed lenders and loan brokers who victimized small construction businesses by offering loans against promissory notes while charging exorbitant annual interest rates of up to 226 percent as well as illegal brokerage fees. According to the judicial police, a total of 38 individuals fell victim to these illegal loan operations through private loans totaling KRW 12 billion. With illegal online loan operations becoming more sophisticated, Gyeonggi Province plans to intensify investigations of such practices and expand its range of consultation services for illegal loan victims. ◇ Gyeonggi Governor Enhances Consumer Rights (0330) On March 29, Gyeonggi Province signed a cooperation agreement with the Korea Consumer Agency for the enhancement of consumer rights. According to this agreement, both parties will cooperate in related data sharing and issue resolution as well as in the operation of specialized arbitration and consultation teams. The two parties will also work together to prevent consumer losses, foster consumer education instructors, and undertake joint investigations of consumer-related issues. After signing the agreement, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) expressed his hopes for the swift establishment of a sound market economy in which consumers avoid unfair treatment and suppliers do not engage in unfair practices. ◇ COVID-19-related Counselling Center Opens in Gyeonggi (0331-2) On April 1, Gyeonggi Province opened an online counselling desk for those who are experiencing mental health issues while on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19. This desk will support medical personnel, inspectors and quarantine officials by helping them to recover from stress and depression stemming from prolonged work. Featuring service application pages as well as a free bulletin board, this counselling desk can be accessed via the Gyeonggi Mental Health Welfare Center website. ◇   Gyeonggi Protects Human Rights of Individuals with Intellectual Disorders (0326-4) Gyeonggi Province has launched a task force that will operate from April to July to investigate living conditions and cases of abuse impacting those with intellectual disorders so as to protect their human rights. On March 24, related local administration leaders shared current findings with the provincial government during a video conference. To protect individuals with intellectual disorders who are vulnerable to physical abuse and economic exploitation, this task force will examine actual living standards and abuse cases. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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