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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi to Pay Emergency Livelihood Support to Families Facing Economic Difficulties
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-10-23
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1- Gyeonggi to Pay Emergency Livelihood Support to Families Facing Economic Difficulties (1012-2) Gyeonggi Province recently announced an emergency livelihood support plan to help low-income families experiencing difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic, and began receiving applications. The eligibility of households for this support is determined based on income loss due to employment or business interruption as well as the value of assets owned. Support will be paid in cash in amounts of KRW 1 million based on a 4-person household. Applications must be submitted by October 30 via the related provincial website, or by October 19 at local administration and welfare centers. ◇ 2- Gyeonggi to Hold Korea`s First Online Auction of Tax Seizures (1015) For the first time in Korea, Gyeonggi Province will sell items seized from tax delinquents through an online public auction. The 500 items to be auctioned include luxury brand bags, watches and jewelry as well as golf clubs and alcohol. Detailed information about the items available through the auction, which will run from October 19 to 21, can be obtained from the related auction website. The list of successful bidders will be announced on October 23. ◇   3- Application Period for 3rd Gyeonggi Low Credit Loans Begins on October 15 (1013-3) On October 15, Gyeonggi Province began receiving applications for the 3rd Gyeonggi Low Credit Loan Program. This program is geared to provide emergency livelihood support to those who have very low credit ratings and are experiencing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the application period, new loan services customized for those who are high-interest borrowers as well as for those applying through youth financial counseling services will be introduced. Anyone over 19 years of age with a credit rating lower than 7 can qualify for 5-year loans through this program, which are available in amounts up to KRW 3 million at 1% annual interest. Detailed information can be obtained from the related welfare website or by calling 1800-9198. ◇ 4- Gyeonggi Pig Farmers Donate Pork for COVID-19-affected Families (1014-4) On October 13, a Korean pork donation ceremony took place at the Northern Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex. The donated pork will be delivered to families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Present at the ceremony were: Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor Lee Yong-cheol (이용철), Korea Pork Producers Association Gyeonggi Branch Director Choi Yeong-gil (최영길) and Gyeonggi Council on Social Welfare Director Gang Gi-tae (강기태). ◇ 5- Gyeonggi Presents Awards to This Year’s ‘Exemplary Coexistence Apartments’ (1012-1) Gyeonggi Province selected three apartment complexes in the cities of Suwon (수원), Seongnam (성남) and Bucheon (부천) as this year’s Exemplary Coexistence Apartments and presented them with ‘Governor of Gyeonggi Province’ certification plaques and award certificates. The selections were based on evaluations in four categories: general management, facility safety and maintenance, community activity promotion, and resource recycling and energy saving. These apartment complexes will be recommended by the province for similar national awards. ◇  6- Gyeonggi to Reintroduce Fireflies to Gwangneung Forest UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (1014-2) Gyeonggi Province recently selected the Gwangneung (광릉) Forest UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Pocheon (포천) City for its firefly reintroduction project and released 12,000 mollusks including snails as a food source before releasing 2,200 fireflies. These fireflies will grow into bioluminescent adults by June next year. The province also plans to reintroduce other species that are ecologically suitable for Gwangneung (광릉) Forest. ◇ 7- Gyeonggi Contributes to Balanced Regional Development via Organization Relocation (1015-1) Gyeonggi Province has invited suggestions on the relocation of provincial organizations as part of its efforts to promote balanced regional development. The province has selected five finalist organizations that will be relocated or established in northeastern provincial regions. [CG] The Market Commerce Promotion Institute and the Gyeonggi Transport Corporation will move to Yangju (양주) City and the Gyeonggi Province Employment Foundation will move to Dongducheon (동두천) City while the Gyeonggi Environment and Energy Institute and the Gyeonggi Province Social Service Institute will be established in the cities of Gimpo (김포) and Yeoju (여주), respectively. With the hosting localities welcoming the new arrivals, the province plans to expedite the relocation and establishment processes in cooperation with related local governments. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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