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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Gyeonggi Pursues Material-Parts-Equipment Industrial Independence
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-08-28
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Gyeonggi Pursues Material-Parts-Equipment Industrial Independence (0814-1) On August 13, Gyeonggi Province, which is currently pursuing technological independence in terms of materials, parts, and equipment in industrial fields, held a forum on the subject. This forum focused on possible cooperation models encompassing industrial, academic and research sectors, as well as the establishment of cooperation networks among large, medium and small-sized enterprises. During the forum, provincial representatives expressed expectations that the event would contribute to the establishment of innovative environments and technological hubs in related fields. ◇ 2. 75th National Liberation Anniversary Symposium on Peace Held in Gyeonggi (0818-3) In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of national liberation from Japanese occupation, a symposium on peace was held in Gyeonggi Province. Hosted jointly by the province and Paju City at Paju Book City on August 14, this event, titled ‘Peace Talk Show’, was paneled by Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace Lee Jae-gang (이재강), Paju City Mayor Cho Seong-hwan (조성환), Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Member Oh Ji-hye (오지혜), and Public Livelihood Institute Director An Jin-geol (안진걸). Major topics included the effects of anti-Pyongyang leaflet launches and the role of Gyeonggi Province and Paju City as Korean Peninsula peace centers as well as perspectives on peace. ◇   3. Gyeonggi Governor Urges Fairness in Government Procurement (0818-1) Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) urged fairness in government procurement, stating that fair opportunity, fair competition and fair result distribution are values that society must pursue. Governor Lee made this statement at policy meeting held at the National Assembly Hall on August 13. This event was organized by the province to gather specialist opinions on the provincial government`s plans to develop and operate a fair procurement system. In his opening address, Governor Lee said that he could not understand why prices in government procurement markets, through which goods are purchased in large quantities and without competition, are higher than those in fiercely competitive private sector markets. ◇ 4. Gyeonggi Governor: “Fake Vehicle Sale Listings Must Be Penalized Severely” (0820-1) In an informal meeting with used car market specialists held on August 19, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) asserted that fake sale listings must be heavily penalized and expressed his opposition to large enterprises entering used car markets. During the meeting, Governor Lee stated that making profits through deception must be prevented and disruptions to trade through such practices must be severely punished. Regarding large enterprises entering used car markets, he likened the situation to large supermarkets entering backstreet areas and damaging small business commerce. ◇ 5. Masks Become Mandatory for All Gyeonggi Residents (0819-1) In response to the current spike in COVID-19 cases, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) made the wearing of masks mandatory for all residents and visitors in the province. He also issued an administrative order that every individual who participated in Sarang Jeil Church gatherings or the protests in Gwanghwamun (광화문) undergo COVID-19 testing at public medical centers or related centers in the province by August 30. In addition, Gyeonggi Province, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education and the Gyeonggi Southern and Northern Police Agencies will form a joint COVID-19 response team. ◇ 6. Suwon City Tops in Gyeonggi’s Local Government Policy Market (0820-2) Gyeonggi Province has been operating a “policy market” through which superior local government policies are shared with other provincial autonomies. This year, Suwon City’s “Green Curtain Project” for energy efficiency improvement during the summer was selected as the top policy for promotion. ► Park Dong-ryeol, Deputy Director, Gyeonggi Province Policy Coordination Team “Every year, we select an exceptional local government policy for promotion. This year, Suwon City’s Green Curtain Project was selected. Those local governments that adopt this policy will receive a provincial subsidy for 50 percent of implementation costs.” ◇ 7. Gyeonggi Governor Appeals for Resident Cooperation in COVID-19 Responses (0820) Viewing the current COVID-19 surge as a second wave of the pandemic, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) made an official emergency appeal to provincial residents, medical personnel and hospitals as well as to private and public organizations for their active cooperation in responding to the contagion. Governor Lee made this appeal at an emergency press conference held online on August 20, stating that the medical resources of the province are being stretched to their limits and that the collective efforts of the public and private sectors are crucial for overcoming the crisis. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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