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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Asphalt Concrete Factory in Anyang to Become City Park
작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-02-28
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. 1. Asphalt Concrete Factory in Anyang to Become City Park (0217-1) The asphalt concrete factory in Yeonhyeon (연현) Town of Anyang (안양) City has long been a source of complaints for local residents due to its noxious emissions. However, this factory will now be replaced with a city park. GTV examined the details. ► Yeonhyeon Town, Anyang City This factory is situated close to a kindergarten, a primary school and a middle school as well as housing complexes. Air and noise pollution from its operations has been a constant subject of local resident complaints. ► Mun So-hyeon, Chairperson, Yeonghyeon Primary School Management Committee “No parent would sit by and watch their children go to school in an environment risky for their health. We have raised complaints numerous times since the school opened in 1998. Nothing has ever changed though.” When Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) visited the area at the beginning of his term two years ago, he proposed the public redevelopment of the site. ► Public Housing Plan Replaced with City Park Plan Recently, the province announced a revised plan for the construction of a city park on this 40,000 square-meter site instead of the 1,100 public housing units that were originally planned. ► First Case of Development Restriction Zone Restoration Utilizing Publicly Owned Land This change in planning stems from the fact that this area is still affected by heavy noise from a nearby expressway. The new plan is the first of its kind that utilizes publicly owned adjacent land for the restoration of a site in a development restriction zone. ► Kim Chun-tae, Assistant Governor, Gyeonggi Province Urban Housing Office “Development projects frequently entail various negative effects. This will be a case in which such negative effects will be addressed in positive ways. We expect that this project will be an exemplary case that spread to other regions.” ► Construction to Begin in 2021; Completion in 2023 Gyeonggi Province plans to designate the asphalt concrete factory site as the subject of development restriction zone restoration this year. After compensating for land expropriation next year, the province will begin work on the city park with completion slated for 2023.   2. Gyeonggi and Korean University to Cooperate in Labor Policy Development (0217-2) Gyeonggi Province’s labor policies, in line with the principles of Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명), are geared to create ‘a society in which labor is respected.’ Recently, Gyeonggi Province secured cooperation from Korea University for the development of such Gyeonggi-style labor policies. ► Gyeonggi Pursues Realization of ‘Society in Which Labor Is Respected’ The current Gyeonggi provincial administration has been endeavoring to introduce new labor policies. These have included the establishment of a labor center in March of 2019 and a labor bureau in July of the same year, followed by the opening of mobile laborer shelters as well as the launch of labor and human rights education programs. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Government Complex (February 10) Signing of Gyeonggi Province – Korea University Cooperation Agreement On February 10, the province signed a cooperation agreement with Korea University’s Graduate School of Labor Studies for the development of Gyeonggi-style labor policies. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “I believe that adjusting the balance of power between business and labor is very important, especially under circumstances in which labor types are diversifying. These new labor types will require different organizational and policy alternatives …” ► Cho Dae-yeop, Dean, Korea University Graduate School of Labor Studies ‘We will help with Gyeonggi Province’s administration of labor through maximum use of our research and education capabilities.” ► Development of Optimized Labor Policies for Gyeonggi According to this agreement, the two organizations will establish an utive committee through which to share information on current labor issues and develop optimized labor policies for Gyeonggi Province. They will also cooperate in policy research, labor specialist cultivation and labor rights surveys. These cooperative efforts are expected to enhance the effectiveness of labor administration in Gyeonggi Province.   3. Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Helps Residents Overcome COVID-19 Effects (0218-1) Members of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly took action to help residents cope with the coronavirus outbreak. Recently, they participated in an agricultural product sales event and blood donations. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly (February 17) Icheon Agricultural Products Promotion Event Held in the lobby of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly building, this sales event featured more than 20 agricultural products from Icheon City, the host of a temporary quarantine camp for Koreans from Wuhan City in China. The participating Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly members made purchases to aid farmers who are experiencing difficulties during the current COVID-19 outbreak. ► Lee Seok-ju, Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Administration Office “We are participating as consumers in this event so as to help the local economy of Icheon City, thereby expressing our gratitude for its residents’ hospitality for Koreans (from Wuhan City in China).” ► Blood Donation Campaign ‘Relay of Love’ by Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly The COVID-19 outbreak has also resulted in a significant decrease in hospital blood inventories due to the cancellation of blood donation appointments. In response, members and personnel of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly voluntarily donated blood on a bus in front of the provincial assembly building. ► Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Chairperson Song Han-jun “The entire nation faces an emergency situation due to COVID-19. While disease control is the most urgent task at present, the revival of the local economy and the resolution of the blood shortage are also imperative.” The Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly is striving to overcome the COVID-19 crisis through the operation of an emergency response headquarters and the adjustment of its itineraries.   4. Gyeonggi and Local Enterprises Join Shopping Campaign for Traditional Markets (0218-3) With the coronavirus outbreak negatively affecting consumer behavior and exacerbating intensifying an already difficult economic situation, a shopping campaign at traditional markets is being led by Gyeonggi Province and private enterprises. ► Tongbok Market, Pyeongtaek City Our reporter was on site for the event at a traditional market in Pyeongtaek (평택) City. ► Shopper Numbers Drop After COVID-19 Outbreak With the number of shoppers having dropped significantly, merchants have been severely hit by the resulting business slowdown. ► Kim Eun-jeong, Traditional Market Merchant “Our sales have dropped to less than half the normal levels. The number of customers has also dropped to half even during weekends. Normally, we have to make gimbab nonstop, but we are often idle these days.” The biggest worry is that these circumstances will drag on indefinitely. ► Gyeonggi and Local Enterprises Participate in Shopping Event at Traditional Market Today, Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation and Pyeongtaek (평택) City officials as well as CEO association members visited this market and made KRW 10 million in purchases. Private enterprise personnel also participated in this campaign by ordering office supplies by phone. In addition, Gyeonggi Province undertook a promotional campaign for an expanded financial support program for small businesses through visits to those affected. ► Lee Min-wu, Cheaf Director, Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation “We initiated this campaign to promote mutually beneficial activities between SMEs and small businesses in difficult times like these.” Campaign participants made real purchases to help revive market commerce. ► Kim Yeong-gil, Traditional Market Merchant “Working-class people are benefiting from this campaign greatly. Such care helps us regain hope instead of becoming depressed and frustrated.” Market merchants expressed their appreciation for Gyeonggi Province’s efforts to promote their sales.   5. Gyeonggi Mountain Valleys to Be Transformed After Removal of Illegal Structures (0218-4) Since last September, Gyeonggi Province has removed illegal business structures from mountain valleys. After removal, the province invited local governments to participate in a contest for provincial restoration project support for these sites. ► Baekpal Resort, Gapyeong County Last November, illegal facilities at Baekpal (백팔) Resort in Gapyeong (가평) County were demolished in accordance with an administrative order. ► GTV Reporter Kim Rae-hui “This is Baekpal Resort in Gapyeong (가평) County. With the previous business structures having been completely removed, this place will become a restored resort for the enjoyment of everyone.” This year, convenience facilities for local residents and visitors will be installed in this restored valley. ► River and Mountain Valley Restoration Project Contest Among 25 Gyeonggi Localities Invitations were sent to 25 local governments that are restoring rivers and mountain valleys previously occupied by illegal structures. ► Gapyeong County Wins Top Prize of KRW 5 Billion The top prize of KRW 5 billion went to Gapyeong (가평) County. ► Choi Gwang-geun, Gapyeong County Buk-myeon Self-governing Committee Chairperson “We made an application to create a riverside trail that will provide residents and visitors with spaces in which they can rest and enjoy scenery along the trail.” Gapyeong (가평) County won the top prize of KRW 5 billion with its ecological river development project. ► Cho Ju-hyeok, Resident Chief, Dodae-ri, Gapyeong County “Those who make ends meet through daily personal businesses are facing great difficulties. Although you have improved the appearance of these places, we hope that you will also establish sufficient infrastructure to enable residents to support themselves while providing visitors with clean environments and comfortable facilities.” ► Pocheon City Wins 2nd Prize of KRW 4 Billion, Yangju City Wins 3rd Prize of KRW 3 Billion The second-place prize of KRW 4 billion went to Pocheon (포천) City while the third-place prize of KRW 3 billion went to Yangju (양주) City. In addition, nine cities and counties of the province will also receive provincial redevelopment support ranging from KRW 400 million to KRW 2 billion. ► Lim Sun-taek, Director, Gyeonggi Province Balanced Development Division “Gyeonggi Province will do its utmost to expedite the selected projects so that residents can see the changes when they visit these sites this summer.” Cities and counties with selected projects will establish local resident and merchant communities for the management and utilization of new facilities with the aid of specialists.   6. Gyeonggi Governor Determined to “Set Example in Proactively Responding to COVID-19 (200220-1) Recently, with a sharp increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, fear among Koreans escalated. After an emergency review of the response situation, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (이재명) announced his determination to be an exemplary case of effective and proactive responses to this contagion. ► COVID-19 Situation Room, Icheon City (February 19) Emergency Review Meeting on COVID-19 Prevention and Responses On February 19, when 15 additional COVID-19 cases were confirmed, Gyeonggi Province immediately reviewed the control situation including the progress of patient investigations as well as the availability of testing facilities, patient rooms, and hygiene products. During the review meeting, Governor Lee offered assurances that the province will continue to set an example in proactively responding to the disease. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We can be sure that our quarantine system is being maintained and operating at such a high level as to justify international praise.” He also emphasized that response measures have to be revised since the spread of infections makes it difficult to trace virus-carrying individuals. ► From Tracking of Individuals to Management of High Risk Areas He added that specific and comprehensive targeting must be used for high risk areas. He also warned that excessive anxiety over the contagion may negatively impact economic activities and should be avoided. ► Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung “We need to undertake disease control intensively and extensively. However, we also need to think rationally and change our reluctance to engage in daily economic activities.” After the meeting, Governor Lee visited a traditional market in Icheon (이천) City to boost merchant morale. On February 20, he visited another traditional market and commercial area in Guri (구리) City to help restore the local economy and commerce.   7. Apartment Brokers Apprehended for Exploiting Disabled Individuals in Gyeonggi (200220-2) A number of real estate brokers who illegally traded apartments by taking advantage of the special availability of housing for individuals with disabilities were apprehended in Gyeonggi Province. ► Apartment Complex Construction Site, Uijeongbu City Real estate brokers conspired with organizations for the disabled to secure purchasing rights for new apartments like these now under construction. ► Special Availability for Disabled Individuals Utilized for Illegal Purchasing Right Transactions Using people with disabilities, who are unfamiliar with apartment application procedures, they secured apartment purchasing rights and made illegal profits through resale. They were aided by senior personnel of organizations for the disabled. ► Kim Yeong-su, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness “… connected a real estate broker to six individuals with severe disabilities. This broker then utilized their priority status as individuals with disabilities in order to …” Certified real estate agents who engaged in such illegal activities during purchasing right transaction restriction periods were also among those apprehended. ► Real Estate Agent “They will supply you with all necessary documents. They may worry when they don’t get the ownership after making payments. We tell them not to worry.” Through such illegal transactions, apartment purchasing rights were sold for profits of tens of millions of Korean won. The apprehended brokers also include those who charged more than legally permitted fees as well as those not registered or licensed. ► Kim Yeong-su, Superintendent, Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police for Fairness “To establish a fair real estate transaction order, Gyeonggi Province will expand its investigation range including planned investigations of housing price collusion and illegal acquisition of land transaction permits.” ► 102 Related Offenders Apprehended During the 5-month period of the investigation performed by the Gyeonggi Province Special Judicial Police, more than 100 offenders were identified with 54 being criminally charged and 48 sent to prosecution. Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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